Asigri Shamsu-Deen·Oct 7, 2024Lessons Learned: My Thoughts and Reflections on Richard Hamming’s “You and Your Research”.Like the last one, this will be short. My last post was about making a commitment to contribute actively to open-source and also to proactively make conscious efforts to document my progress and write about things I find of interest. Well, here is on...1 like·32 readsresearch
Ndeye Fatou·Feb 2, 2024The Single Most Important Lesson I’ve Learned Working As A Software Engineer For 5+ YearsNot all lessons are created equal. Some lessons we learn are small. They are little reminders along the way of what truly matters. Other lessons are giant. They fundamentally change the course of our entire lives. Over the past 5+ years working as a ...2 likesBeginner Developers
Amigoways Technologies Pvt·Dec 1, 2023What I Learned From Looking For A Developer Job? - AmigowaysSearching for a developer job can be both an exciting and daunting experience. As a software engineer, I recently went through this process, and it taught me valuable lessons that I believe can benefit others in the same position. In this article, I ...Developer Career
Darth·Sep 9, 2023How to handle a changing reference value?Today, I encountered a common programming challenge where I needed to loop through a set of items while keeping track of a changing reference value. As a programmer, I've come across this situation before, and how I handle it can significantly impact...LessonsLearned
Chitra·Sep 1, 2023How to learn well?This article is to share my learning from the recent book written by Prof. Daniel Willingham "Outsmart your brain" Some useful tips I learned on how to get maximum lessons out of Lectures and trainings. Organize the topics Some lecturers and professo...13 likes·42 readsBook Summarylearning
Michelle·May 30, 2023FeaturedWhat I've learnt: After resigning from Big TechBackstory 🧾 In late 2022, before all the ChatGPT hype, most of the tech news headlines look something like this "Mass layoffs in [Insert well-known tech company]". It can be very unsettling to see announcements like that. Perhaps on one end, it's a ...46 likes·1.7K readsWhat I've learntCareer
Matthijs·May 4, 2023FeaturedProduction-ready code for scientists: 3 lessons learnedHow do you become a great scientific coder? To understand this, I want to ask others about their journey and share their lessons with you. This post is a collaboration with Keith Myerscough, a mathematical consultant and senior engineer, who helped m...45 likes·997 readsproduction
Arnold·Feb 21, 20238 Valuable Technical Writing Lessons I Have Learnt So Far in 2023 (Beginners Perspective 🧐)Introduction Have you ever experienced problems while operating an electronic device and resorted to reading its user guide or manual? If the answer is yes, then you have benefited from technical writing. Technical writing breaks down technical jargo...11 likes·35 readsTechnical writing