sidhant·Feb 8, 2025Mastering Linear Search: An Easy IntroductionAlgorithmic Steps: To perform a linear search, we follow these steps: Accept the target element and the collection as inputs. Begin traversing the collection from the first element. Compare each element with the target element. If a match is foun...Data-Structureslinearsearch
Ibrahim·Jan 31, 2025DSA: 1 | Linear Search in Bangla Algorithms লিনিয়ার সার্চ Algorithmsসার্চিং কি? (What is Searching?) আমরা প্রতিদিন অনেক কিছু খুঁজি - মোবাইলে কোন contact, ফেসবুকে কোন friend, কিংবা Gmail inbox এ কোন important mail। Computer Science এ searching বলতে ঠিক এটাই বোঝায় - একটা collection of data থেকে specific কোন informatio...DSAlinearsearch
Eniola·Dec 5, 2024A Working Understanding of AlgorithmsAn algorithm is a finite sequence of well-defined instructions, typically used to solve a class of specific problems or to perform a computation. - Wikipedia An algorithm refers to a set of step-by-step instructions to be followed to achieve a partic...13 likes·32 readsA Working Understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)algorithms
Keerthi Ravilla·Nov 19, 2024Linear Search Explained: The Simple Approach to Finding DataIn our exploration of data structures and algorithms, we've seen the importance of sorting algorithms like Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, and Merge Sort, which help us arrange data in a particular order to make it easier to find, analyze, and manipulate. N...Data structures courselinearsearch
Jyotiprakash·Sep 26, 2024Introduction to SearchingSearching is the process of finding a particular element in a collection of items, such as an array, list, or database. The goal of searching is to locate the position of the desired item in the collection, if it exists, or to determine that the item...559 readssearchin
Juhilee·Sep 22, 2024Linear SearchLinear search, also known as sequential search is used to find a specific value withing an array or a list. It checks each element one by one until desired element is found and end of the list is reached. How it works ? Start from first element in t...Data Structures and AlgorithmsJava
Raka·May 22, 2024How to Create a Simple Stock Price Prediction Project Using Linear RegressionStep 1: Setting Up Your Environment Install Python: Ensure Python is installed on your computer. Download the latest version from Install Jupyter Notebook: Install Jupyter Notebook to organize your code and analysis. pip install jupyte...stockmarket·May 3, 2024Understanding the Basics of Linear SearchThis algorithm searches for an element in an array sequentially, one by one, until either the element is found or the end of the array is reached We start by taking the input array arr[] and the element to be searched x. We initialize a variable n ...linearsearch
Shaique·Apr 30, 2024Searching in Data Structures: Types, Techniques and MethodsSearching in data structures involves finding a specific element efficiently within a collection of data. Common types of searches include: Linear Search: Sequentially checks each element from start to end. Binary Search: Efficiently finds an structures
Md.Naimur Rahman (Navil)·Mar 15, 2024Data Structure & Algorithm l3 likes·1.6K readsUIU BSCSE CoursesDsa 1