Marco BambiniforSQLite·Jan 28, 2025Whatever it takes“Whatever it takes” represents a historical sentence pronounced by Mario Draghi several years ago that profoundly changed Europe. I founded SQLite Cloud in 2021, almost 9 years after that iconic speech, but as an Italian, that sentence profoundly cha...1 likeSQLite
Ayman·Oct 28, 2024Local First SoftwareAn interesting article of a different way of writing client-side apps which are "local-first". Notable writers include Martin Klepmmann (Author of Designing Data Intensive Apps), Adam Wiggins, Peter and Mark from Heroku. Seven ideals of Local Fir...27 readslocal first
Jose·Sep 18, 2024Local First Philosophy¿Alguna vez te has frustrado porque una aplicación no funciona sin conexión a Internet? Imagínate una herramienta que funcione con la misma rapidez y eficacia, sin importar si estás en un avión, en el metro o en una zona con mala cobertura. Esta es l...1 likeDesarrollo Web
frankylee·Aug 3, 2024Offline support is not just nice, it's necessary.What does offline-first mean? An offline-first app is an app that is able to perform all, or a critical subset of its core functionality without access to the internet. That is, it can perform some or all of its business logic offline. — Android Dev...local first