shamnad·Sep 22, 2023Cannot migrate database schema error: Column Contains null valueYou may encounter a common issue when attempting to migrate your LoopBack 4 application's database schema. The error message you might encounter is: "Cannot migrate database schema error: column 'profile_pic' of relation 'agent' contains null values....70 readsloopback4
shamnad·Sep 21, 2023Setting up Nodemon in LoopBack 4 for Effortless DevelopmentLoopBack 4 is a powerful Node.js framework for building APIs and microservices. While developing applications with LoopBack 4, you might want to streamline your development process by automatically restarting the server whenever you make changes to y...29 readsnodemon
Shubham·Nov 23, 2022How to Use HTTP2 in Loopback 4 Applications?HTTP/2 is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol mainly in highlights because it makes our applications faster. Tech giants including Google, Netflix, Twitter already use this protocol. In this post, I'll be showing how you can utilize spdy np...87 readsloopback4
Okere chinedu·Jul 1, 2022NestJS vs. LoopBack 4: Which is best?NestJS or LoopBack: Which is best? Is there a best? Choosing between Node frameworks is super confusing, especially when there are so many great options. Picking the right one requires an understanding of not only the project you’re working on, but o...1 like·41 readsNode.js