Manish·Feb 5, 2025LLD - Composite Design PatternComposite Design Pattern This is a structural pattern that allows you to compose objects into a tree-like structure and helps the client to treat individual objects (leaf) and groups of objects uniformly. The composite pattern is based on two ideas- ...Structural Design PatternJava
Affan·Jan 17, 2025The Magical Infinity Stones of SOLID Principles ♦️Understanding the Power of the “S” Stone: Single Responsibility Principle Imagine Uncle Bob is a gardener responsible for cutting grass, washing cars, and doing laundry. That’s a lot of work, but Uncle Bob manages it all quite well. However, one day ...10 likesSOLID principles
Mustufa·Dec 26, 2024How to Design a System from Scratch: A Comprehensive GuideDesigning a system from scratch is a crucial skill for software engineers. It involves systematically breaking down a problem into manageable components while ensuring the design is scalable, efficient, and reliable. Below is a step-by-step approach ...System DesignSystem Design
Manish·Dec 16, 2024LLD - Adapter Design PatternAdapter Design Pattern This is a Structural Design Pattern that allows incompatible interfaces to work together. It acts as a bridge between the client and the existing system by translating one interface to another. Core Idea: Define a common inter...1 likeStructural Design PatternJava
Pravin·Dec 3, 2024How to Approach Low-Level Design QuestionsLow-level design (LLD) interviews test your ability to design and implement the architecture of a system. While these questions can seem daunting, having a structured approach will help you tackle them effectively. Below, I’ll break down the steps to...1 likelow level design
Manish·Dec 2, 2024LLD - Decorator Design PatternDecorator Pattern This Structural Design Pattern allows behavior to be added to an object dynamically without modifying its structure. It involves wrapping an object within another object to extend its functionality. This wrapping can be done multipl...1 likeStructural Design Patternlow level design·Nov 29, 2024Understanding the Role of DSA and Design Patterns in Web DevelopmentWeb development often feels straightforward: fetch data from a database, perform operations, and send the processed data to the client. However, the deeper complexities of handling data efficiently and maintaining scalable code require understanding ...Data Structure And Algorithmslow level design
Shivam·Nov 25, 2024Top 5 Design Patterns Every Backend Developer Must Know in 2024Design patterns are essential tools for backend developers to create scalable, maintainable, and efficient systems. In this post, we’ll cover the top 5 design patterns every backend developer should know in 2024. We’ll also show how Coudo AI can help...10 likeslow level design·Nov 8, 2024Understanding Python SlotsHow about explicitly declaring class attributes or reducing memory footprint of class variables. Slots seems to be an answer. slots (__slots__) a special class variable that is assigned a sequence of strings that are variable names used by instance...1 like·29 readsPythonpython-slots
Mehdi·Nov 2, 2024Code Design - IntroductionIn the fast-paced world of software development, building applications that can scale, adapt, and remain robust over time is no small feat. As systems grow in complexity, ensuring that code is readable, maintainable, and efficient is essential. This ...35 readsCode Designclean code