Felix GVfelixgv.hashnode.dev·Jan 31, 2025The Coupling Cost of LeverageThis is a summary of a recent discussion about making some system A leverage some other system B. The new system B would replace some functionality which system A already had. The case in favor of A leveraging B was that it would decrease the mainten...79 readsleverage
Adam Bieganskitechlead.ink·Jan 11, 2025Video Recommendation: Programming Skills that AIs Cannot Have & How You Learn ThemThis video is pure gold: https://youtu.be/iJv25jws7qo?si=wO7Pl4SaIK4WIm4N Especially the part from about 7:29 (“Bad Human Programmers”). I’ve always thought that the first indicator of any seniority in a software engineer is when they understand th...35 readsAI
SINAPTIAsinaptia.hashnode.dev·Jan 7, 2025Debugging a memory-leaking actionThis week we had to fix a bug in one of the Ruby on Rails apps we’re maintaining. We inherited the application from another team and our objectives included a Ruby on Rails upgrade, an infrastructure migration (from a VPS to Heroku), and new features...Ruby
SINAPTIAsinaptia.hashnode.dev·Dec 18, 2024Your old Ruby on Rails application sucksDo you have a Ruby or Rails application in production for more than 4 or 5 years? Has the test suite crumbled to pieces because of too many broken or flaky tests that no one has time to fix? running the tests pays off no more and slows down your pace...Testing
SINAPTIAsinaptia.hashnode.dev·Dec 18, 2024Upgrading Ruby on Rails applicationsEvery year, we spend some of our time upgrading Ruby on Rails applications. Some of them have been created by us (and thus we know everything about them) and some of them haven’t. In any case, we have the same approach despite their difference (depen...Ruby on Rails
Victoria Shabitwell.hashnode.dev·Dec 11, 2024Tips for Maintaining a Healthy HabitWe all have been there trying to stick with a new habit but after some days or week we forget or fizzle out. The good news? Building habits that stick to them is possible. But why do habits fade and how can we prevent it. To start off having unrealis...habits
ByteScrum TechnologiesforByteScrum Technologiesblog.bytescrum.com·Oct 11, 2024Creating a Maintenance Page in Next.js: A Comprehensive GuideWhen building web applications, maintenance periods are inevitable. Whether you're deploying updates, performing server migrations, or addressing unforeseen issues, displaying a maintenance page ensures that your users are informed and your site rema...11 likes·309 readsNext.js
Ronald Bartelshubandspoke.amastelek.com·Aug 10, 2024🐘Eating the Elephant One Bite at a Time | Proactive Network Maintenance for Long-Term Health☑️In the world of Information Technology, maintaining a stable, high-performing network is an ongoing challenge, especially as networks scale and become more intricate. While it’s easy to defer maintenance until an emergency arises, such “crisis-only” ...5 likesLessons Learntnetworking
Yogendra Porwalqasimple.hashnode.dev·Aug 1, 2024Healenium: Unlock stability in Appium Test AutomationAppium, a powerful tool for mobile test automation, often grapples with the persistent issue of test flakiness. This instability arises from the dynamic nature of mobile apps, where UI elements frequently change, leading to test failures and increase...1 likehealenium
Joshua Oliphantjoshwastaken.hashnode.dev·Jul 1, 2024Quoting Steph Ango - What can we remove?Created: 2024-07-01 Updated: 2024-07-01 Steph Ango A good system is designed to be periodically cleared of cruft. It has a built-in counterbalance. Without this pressure, our bias drives us to add band-aid after band-aid, until the only choice is to...maintenance