·Jul 14, 2024Burden Of ProofJust because someone denies something, does that mean there's no burden of proof? Many try to evade by saying, 'If it exists, then prove it.' But if I believe it doesn't exist, how do I prove it? So, is there no burden to prove for those who deny the...METAPhilosophy·Jul 12, 2024METAPhilosophyPhilosophy ... Love of wisdomMETA ... Beyond 🔰 MetaPhilosophy is Beyond the Love of Wisdom. What is Beyond the Love of Wisdom❓ 🧩 Wisdom is Truth Itself & Truth Represents the Right Boundaries 🎯 Loving Wisdom Means Loving the Right Boundaries Right...METAPhilosophy·Jul 12, 2024Justified CognitiveThis the 1st, initial step is to ensure avoidance of cognitive biases. Don’t focus on logical rule-checking first. Instead, focus on avoiding cognitive biases. It's like not trying to apply logic to something that is inherently beyond logic. Isn't it...METAPhilosophy