Darsh Pateldarsh-patel.hashnode.dev·Dec 10, 2024Data Modeling Using Mongoose: A Comprehensive GuideData modeling is an essential part of backend development. It defines how data is organized, stored, and accessed from a database. It ensures consistency in applications. Mongoose, a popular Node.js library, simplifies data modeling with MongoDB, a N...mongoose
Hansraj Deghunpythondevop.hashnode.dev·Oct 30, 2024How MongoDB Loses Availability for Consistency and Partition ToleranceIn the world of distributed databases, every system design must account for trade-offs between Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance, as outlined by the CAP theorem. This foundational principle dictates that a distributed system can only...6 likes·66 readsMongoDB
Alejandro Benjumea Aguirrealejodev.hashnode.dev·Oct 28, 2024ORM en Node.js: Introducción a Sequelize y Mongoose para Bases de Datos SQL y NoSQLEn este post aprenderemos cómo establecer la conexión a nuestra base de datos desde un proyecto en Node.js utilizando ORM (Object-Relational Mapping). Los ORM facilitan no solo la conexión con la base de datos, sino que también simplifican la interac...Node.js
Sofiane BOUMEDINEblog.sofiane-boumedine.com·Jun 24, 2024Comprendre les opérations unwind et lookup dans MongoDB & MongooseComprendre les Opérations unwind et lookup dans MongoDB Salut à tous ! Aujourd'hui, on va plonger dans deux fonctionnalités vraiment cool de MongoDB : les opérations unwind et lookup. Si vous avez déjà eu à manipuler des données imbriquées ou à combi...27 readsMongoDB
ali baghericode-ace.hashnode.dev·Jun 7, 2024Learning MongoDb with samples in Node JsIntroduction to NoSQL Databases (MongoDB) 1. Overview of NoSQL Databases NoSQL databases, like MongoDB, handle a wide variety of data models and offer flexibility, scalability, and high availability. MongoDB uses a document-oriented data model, stori...32 readsMongoDB
Aryaman Guptaaryamangupta.hashnode.dev·Apr 14, 2024Demystifying Replication and Sharding in MongoDBMaking a MongoDB cluster "Production Ready" by performing database Replication and Sharding (horizontal fragmentation) What is Replication? Replication is the method of duplication of data across multiple servers. For example, we have an application ...replication
Sarthak Batrablog.srthk.com·Mar 15, 2024Create a mongodb container with docker and connect with mongodb compassThis a very quick walkthrough of spinning up a mongodb server inside a docker container and connecting with it through the mongodb compass gui. Why would you wanna do this? You wanna get rid of MongoDB Atlas You want a FREE solution You want auton...115 readsDocker
utkarsh srivastavautkarsh0701.hashnode.dev·Feb 27, 2024Don't Lose Your Data! A Step by step guide:- How to Backup and Restore Your MongoDB Database ?blog best suited for Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS. For different Linux distributions, some commands may vary. Users need to check commands for other Linux distributions. In this guide we focus on using Utilities provided by MongoDB mongodump and mongorestore. ...41 readsmongo dump
Algonotionalgonotion.com·Feb 12, 2024How to connect Node.JS Express app to MongoDB using mongoose?In this short tutorial, I will go over how to connect your nodejs/express app to MongoDB database using mongoose. At the end, in the "Discussion" section, I will go over why I wrote the code in this format and my thought process. So make sure to chec...1 likemongo
Ghazi Khanghazikhan.hashnode.dev·Dec 12, 2023Step-by-Step Guide: Choosing the Right Data for MongoDBOriginally published on www.ghazikhan.in Introduction MongoDB is a NoSQL database that excels at handling unstructured or semi-structured data, making it an excellent choice for specific use cases. This guide will help you determine the types of data...MongoDB