Quentin EonoforNiji Techniji.tech·Jul 30, 2024Lecture de contenu multimédia dans une application Android avec ExoPlayer et ChromecastLes applications mobiles font maintenant partie de notre quotidien quant à la consommation de contenus multimédias. Netflix, YouTube, Spotify... sont autant d’acteurs qui ont redéfini notre manière de regarder des vidéos ou encore d’écouter de la mus...140 readsAndroid
Nayyumnavyum.hashnode.dev·May 1, 2024Harnessing the Power of HTML5 Multimedia: Best Practices and Fallback StrategiesIn the dynamic landscape of web development, HTML5 has revolutionized the way we incorporate multimedia content into web pages. With the introduction of <audio>, <video>, and <canvas> elements, HTML5 has empowered developers to create immersive and i...InteractiveDesign
Helen Efebehelenefebe.hashnode.dev·Feb 19, 2023Understanding How To Add Multimedia to Your WebsiteAdding images to a web page greatly increases user experience and the extent to which a user interface (UI) is considered appealing. Audios are great ways to help a reader hear a site's content through a voice and listen to other complex written mess...3 likes·54 readsHTML5
Vishnu GRforxKern Dev Blogdevblog.xkern.net·Jan 2, 2023FFmpeg for common media tasks - converting, cutting, splicing, splitting, merging and moreDigital media consumption is an essential part of our lives today. You might use your digital camera or smartphone to take videos that you later decide to send to someone or keep them saved on your hard drive. But most new smartphones, by default rec...47 readsFFmpeg
Victor Mitiblog.victor.co.zm·Dec 19, 2022Using CLI tools to manage audio, video, images and PDF filesI'm going to cut straight to the chase here, as the main reason for this post isn't to compare and contrast available tools and so on, but rather to highlight a few useful commands that often come in handy for various situations. This is more like a ...311 readscli
Yashraj Shuklawhynesspower.hashnode.dev·Dec 17, 2022Computer Graphics and MultimediaSyllabus Unit 1- Fundamentals Raster Scan display Pixels and frame buffer vector and character generation Random Scan Display Display Devices, Scan and Conversion techniques Line Drawing Algorithms- DDA and Bresenhams' Circle Drawing Algorith...1 like·32 readscomputer graphics
Ale Lazcanolazcano.com.ar·Jun 11, 2022Crea contenido multimedia y cuenta historias en tu webContar historias con mapas interactivos Storymap JS es una librería que sea en modo fácil o integrándolo a tu desarrollo de sitio web, puedes usar para «contar historias» basadas en multimedia con imágenes de alto impacto, mapas y líneas del tiempo o...ideas
Rahma Watirahmawati115.hashnode.dev·Jun 10, 2022Mengenal Profesi Script ContinuityDalam sebuah proses pembuatan Film atau Iklandan Sinetron, mungkin anda mengetahui terdapat seserorang yang mencatat adegan berlangsung. Script Continuity atau pencatat adegan merupakan seorang yang berperan mencatat sebuah adegan. Mereka bertanggung...Script
InclusiveDocsforInclusiveDocs Blogblog.inclusivedocs.com·Feb 14, 2019Accessible Multimedia ContentThere are generally recognized recommendations to guide the inclusion of accessible multimedia content in a variety of ways and various situations. In this case, the term multimedia refers to a variety of ways, or media, used to communicate informati...Accessibility