刘付blog.liufu.cc·Aug 11, 2024斐讯N1折腾记:运行 Linux 及优化咳咳咳,上篇教程教大家给斐讯 N1 降级并且刷了官改系统,可以当作一个电视盒子和下载机来使用。 有些小伙伴可能不想把它当作电视盒子,就想把它当作 NAS 或者是服务器,但是总不能拿 Android 玩吧,Android 也不是针对服务器设计的。 那么我说过,N1 不仅能刷官改,还能运行 Linux,而且是完整的 Linux 发行版,用 Linux 当服务器、NAS、下载机,体验总是要比 Android 好的。 这篇教程就教大家如何在斐讯 N1 运行 Linux 以及后续的优化,在此之前,需要将你...Discussnas
Thunderthunderbyte.hashnode.dev·Jun 28, 202410. creww 쿼리개선(1)creww project 쿼리개선 시작 맨 처음 코드를 작성하면서 N+1 문제들을 생각 안하고 코드를 작성했다.그래서 도메인 순서대로 쿼리를 개선해야할지..어찌하지?생각하다가 일단 Postman을 실행시킨 뒤에 id가 1인 보드에 전체 게시글 요청을 보냈다.getPosts 라는 서비스 메서드를 먼저 해결하기로.. 문제점 쿼리 개선 전 서비스 로직 public Page<PostResponse> getPosts(Long boardId, int ...DiscussCreww쿼리개선
Muhammad Abubakarabubakarwebdev.hashnode.dev·Jun 11, 2024Understanding N+1 Query Problems and Their Impact on API SpeedHave you ever noticed your endpoint response takes too long to respond? There could be many reasons for that, but one of the most common is spending a lot of time on database calls. A frequent cause of database problems in business logic is the N+1 q...Discuss·29 readsproblems solution
sivalaxmansivalaxman8.hashnode.dev·Sep 4, 2023Finding, Fixing, and Preventing N+1 Queries in Ruby on RailsOne of the most common performance bottlenecks in Ruby on Rails applications is the N+1 query problem. It's a scenario where you fetch a collection of records and then, for each record, perform an additional database query. This can lead to a signifi...DiscussRuby on Rails
Sushil Tiwarisusilnem.hashnode.dev·Jun 2, 2023N+1 problem in Django?In this blog, we'll delve into the N+1 problem in Django, explore its causes and implications, and provide practical solutions to optimize your application's performance. Let's get started! What is the N+1 Problem? The N+1 problem occurs when an appl...Discuss·185 readsDjango
Andrew Fosterandrewfoster.hashnode.dev·Oct 10, 2022N+1s and PerformanceIn 1974 Donald Knuth wrote: "Programmers waste enormous amounts of time thinking about, or worrying about, the speed of noncritical parts of their programs, and these attempts at efficiency actually have a strong negative impact when debugging and m...Discuss·1 like·160 readsRails 7 ApplicationN+1