Akash Rajvanshihacstac.hashnode.dev·Nov 2, 2024🚀 Day 111/200 🚀Set up static routes between pfSense and Netgear router to access services from another network. Also configured an ARC loader to run Xpenology on a Proxmox server. #Proxmox #DevOps #100DaysOfCode #100DaysOfDevOps #Homelab #NAS#365DaysOfDevOpsproxmox
S23PlusHypeforSobakinTech's blogblog.sobakintech.xyz·Sep 11, 2024How to Choose the Best Budget ServerFinding a budget-friendly computer to use as a server can be challenging. This guide will help you find the perfect home server to kickstart your homelabbing journey! Decide how you will use the server NAS For a simple NAS (Network Attached Storag...2 likes·52 readsserver
Meeran E. Mandhiniemeeran.me·Aug 11, 2024Auto mount Synology NAS in Ubuntu 2024Network-attached storage (NAS) systems, such as Synology, are crucial for safe data backup and storage for many people and organizations in the modern digital era. You can make sure that your critical data is always available by setting up your Ubunt...mount_NAS
刘付blog.liufu.cc·Aug 11, 2024斐讯N1折腾记:运行 Linux 及优化咳咳咳,上篇教程教大家给斐讯 N1 降级并且刷了官改系统,可以当作一个电视盒子和下载机来使用。 有些小伙伴可能不想把它当作电视盒子,就想把它当作 NAS 或者是服务器,但是总不能拿 Android 玩吧,Android 也不是针对服务器设计的。 那么我说过,N1 不仅能刷官改,还能运行 Linux,而且是完整的 Linux 发行版,用 Linux 当服务器、NAS、下载机,体验总是要比 Android 好的。 这篇教程就教大家如何在斐讯 N1 运行 Linux 以及后续的优化,在此之前,需要将你...nas
Thunderthunderbyte.hashnode.dev·Jul 6, 20242024.07.06 NAS TS-509 Pro vs Raspberrypi 4TS-509Pro The NAS I used to deploy Creww at home is called the TS-509 Pro, released by QNAP in 2009. Its specifications aren't particularly impressive; let's take a closer look below. Product Specifications CPU: Intel Celeron Processor 1.6GHz The ...DiaryNASComparison
Snehangshu Bhattacharyablogs.snehangshu.dev·Apr 20, 2024Supercharge your home cloud with Umbrel OS and Raspberry PiThe Cloud is just someone else's computer - Anonymous We are all familiar with the above sentence. But it does not tell the whole story about modern-day cloud infrastructure and its complexities that we rely on every day. When cloud computing gained...11 likes·261 readsumbrel
puttykeyputtty.hashnode.dev·Jan 9, 2024How to connect to Synology NAS by using PuTTY?Connecting PuTTY to your Synology NAS via SSH allows you remote access and management. SSH is supported by Synology NAS devices for secure connection, allowing you to communicate with your NAS via a command-line interface. This method enhances your N...631 readsPuTTy
Pemba Tshering Tamangtamangpemba.hashnode.dev·Aug 10, 2023OpenMediaVault Setup & Jellyfin EnhancementIn a world where our lives are interwoven with digital content, having a robust storage solution is paramount. Whether you're navigating the terrain of Proxmox, VMware, or any other platform, this blog is your compass to creating a seamless media kin...126 readsnas
Ben Cuandevlog.bencuan.me·Jun 15, 2023TurtleNet 6: Network Attached Storage (NAS)What is a NAS and why should I care? Whether it be photos, videos, music, or important documents, you most likely have a bunch of files scattered around your computer. Maybe you have an external hard drive if you ran out of space, and maybe you also ...101 readsTurtleNetHomelab
Hetman Softwarehetmansoftware.hashnode.dev·Oct 24, 2022How to Recover Data from a Damaged RAID 5 Array on Intel Entry Storage System SS4000-E NASFrom this article, you will learn how to recover data from a damaged RAID 5 array on Intel Entry Storage System SS4000-E NAS. We will explore aspects of its initial configuration, learn how to create a RAID array, set up network access and add a shar...1 likeraid