Snehangshu·Apr 20, 2024Supercharge your home cloud with Umbrel OS and Raspberry PiThe Cloud is just someone else's computer - Anonymous We are all familiar with the above sentence. But it does not tell the whole story about modern-day cloud infrastructure and its complexities that we rely on every day. When cloud computing gained...11 likes·260 readsumbrel
Lakshya·Nov 19, 2023The Hacker Way of LivingTL;DR and not for the weak hearted, please don’t start reading this until you are willing to put efforts into changing the way you deal with online subscriptions. Childhood Fun Since my childhood I was taught by my cousin brother (Karan) on how to ut...hacker
Pranshu Kumar·Jul 5, 2023What exactly is Umbrel?Introduction When I came across Umbrel for the first time, I thought that this was just used to run Bitcoin Full Nodes & operate Lightning channels. But I was wrong by a long margin. While reading about it, they started with this mission and very wel...Investible Open Source Softwareapp development