Jaremy Creechleyblog.elcritch.net·Jan 30, 2025Making Reactive Datatypes in 200 lines of NimSigil becomes more than a name Sigils now supports first-class reactive data types! I wish I could say it was a grueling undertaking, but it wasn’t. Thanks to the core of Sigil’s being signals and slots along with Nim’s superb meta-programming it was...98 readsFiguro
Jaremy Creechleyblog.elcritch.net·Jan 14, 2025Complex C code gave ChatGPT a headache and Claude came to the rescueFor Figuro I want to have a file monitoring API that watches for the CSS theme to be modified. Unfortunately all the libraries in Nim are either wrappers around C libraries or incomplete. I tried finding a few C projects and translating them, but it’...89 readscode-translation
Jaremy Creechleyblog.elcritch.net·Jan 14, 2025Unlocking the Power of CSS: Transforming Figuro with Seamless ThemingThe Problem of Theming After a couple of years of working on Figuro, a framework for building custom GUI apps with small self-contained binaries, I finally decided it was time to add theming to it. There’s something pleasing about being able to theme...118 readsFiguro
Timur Galeevtgaleev.com·Dec 18, 2024Building an AI-Optimized Platform on Amazon EKS with NVIDIA NIM and OpenAI ModelsIntroduction The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about an unprecedented demand for infrastructure that can handle large-scale computations, support GPU acceleration, and provide scalable, flexible management of workloads. Kubernetes ...43 readsAWS
J. Igor Melojigordev.hashnode.dev·Sep 9, 2024Knowing the Nim languageNim is a compiled programming language that combines the best aspects of C and C++, while eliminating the main issues found in those languages. It offers powerful features and an easy-to-understand syntax inspired by languages like Python. Main featu...Nim
Basil Ajithundefined.pyfy.ch·Aug 26, 2024Why Nim?You might have heard of the line, "one ring to rule them all" from the book the Lord of the Rings. Though, this ring is an evil object created by the evil Sauron, the idea of just one thing existing to manage or control a lot of things at the same ti...Nim
Basil Ajithundefined.pyfy.ch·Jul 31, 2024I Violated A Rule Of ProgrammingI have fallen in love with a programming language named Nim. Nim is what you get when you try to put C (or C++) and Python through a sieve and get the good parts. Nim, for sure, will make you fall in love with programming again. Why do I like Nim so ...Nim
Sultan Alisaieefoxoman.hashnode.dev·Apr 11, 2024Exploring Command Injection Vulnerabilities in Windows with NimThe recent discovery reported by Flatt Security Research highlights the BatBadBut vulnerability (CVE-2024-24576) as a significant threat to the security of command execution in Windows. The issue arises because cmd, the command-line interpreter for W...159 readsNim
Siddharth Sinha (Sid)sidev.hashnode.dev·Mar 31, 2024Compile time programming is coolFirst of all, to all those sweet JS only users … please bug off. I can’t help you, god can’t either. I am not sure why you even clicked on this article given that your best contender is a fully ignorable linter which generates back to shitty language...4 likes·235 readsProgramming Tips
Jason Leitokenchingy.hashnode.dev·Jan 17, 2024Nim and Hexagonal ArchitectureAddressing the challenge of developing robust, maintainable, and flexible software applications is often daunting. Hexagonal Architecture, or Ports and Adapters, is an innovative design pattern conceived by Alistair Cockburn. This pattern assists in ...12 likes·845 readsProgrammingPorts and Adapters