himanshugopalkdwivedi.hashnode.dev·Jul 9, 2024(lt.46) Beyond Hello World: Explore Node.js Functionality with http, os, fs & pathThe path module in Node.js provides utilities for working with file and directory paths. It can be used to manipulate and handle file paths in a way that is cross-platform. Here are some common methods(coding demonstration) const path = require("pat...10 likesos module
Sanchit Pahurkarsanchitpahurkar.hashnode.dev·May 17, 2024Unlocking the Power of Node.js: Understanding Node-ModulesNode.js modules are reusable pieces of code that can be included in a Node.js application. They allow for better code organization and reuse. Node.js comes with a set of built-in modules (e.g., fs for file system operations, http for creating web ser...Node.js
Mohamed Alicodenamemoe.hashnode.dev·Apr 16, 2024Why Switching to pnpm Can Save Your Disk Space and Speed Up Your DevelopmentAs a JavaScript developer, you're probably familiar with the node_modules directory ballooning to consume gigabytes of your disk space. If you're seeking a way to tame this beast, let me introduce you to a powerful ally: pnpm, or Performant Node Pack...28 readsNode.js
Giver Kdkgiver-node.hashnode.dev·Oct 30, 2023Introduction to Node.jsNodeJS It is a runtime environment to run JavaScript outside the browser. It allows JavaScript to be used on the server side and create awesome web apps. Even though we can still use JS functions like setInterval and setTimeout, we can't use browser ...Node.js
Raj Mauryaprashantrajmaurya.hashnode.dev·Oct 17, 2023Removing Node Modules from GitHub with .gitignoreIt's common to have large dependencies like node_modules that you don't want to include in your GitHub repository. This clutters up the repo and makes fetching and cloning slower. Luckily, Git has a handy feature called .gitignore that allows you to ...29 readsGit
Parth Tiwaritiwariparth.hashnode.dev·Sep 13, 2023Node ModulesHello Everyone! this will be my 3rd blog of my Backend Development series. In this blog, I will be sharing my understanding of node modules and also I will showcase how to use a module named file system (fs). What are modules ? Modules In Node Js is ...2 likesfile system
Jaya Paliwalcodewithjaya.hashnode.dev·Aug 30, 2023Learn Package.json in DeatilsPackage.json file is the most important file in ReactJS. Package.json file is not only present in ReactJS but also available in Vue.js and AngularJS also. What is Package.json? All details of the project are available in the Package.json file. For ex...package.json
Delusionaldilemma.hashnode.dev·Jul 27, 2023WormGPT: A Tool for Security Researchers and CybercriminalsPS:Security Researchers Introduction Generative AI is a rapidly evolving field with the potential to revolutionize many industries. However, this technology also has the potential to be used for malicious purposes. One such example is WormGPT, a tool...node_modules
Kera Cudmorekera-cudmore.hashnode.dev·Jul 24, 2023What are node_modules in React?When creating a new React app your project will be populated with a bunch of new folders and files, and you may have noticed a node_modules folder that contains an insane amount of folders. If you're nosy like me you may have wondered what is this n...node_modules
Rohan Vermarohanvm.hashnode.dev·Apr 2, 2023.dropboxignore, the .gitignore analogue that Dropbox should introduce as a feature.Introduction I come to you with an interesting open-source project I came across, albeit after a lot of misdirected efforts, that solved a problem in my workflow: dropboxignore. For context, I'm running Ubuntu 22.04LTS and using bash as my shell. The...1 like·49 readsdropbox