Harry Munroharrymunro.hashnode.dev·Mar 12, 2024MATLAB vs Python for Engineers and ScientistsI was first introduced to MATLAB during my mechanical engineering university days, where my attempts to grapple with it were, to put it mildly, rather pitiful. Its utility eluded me until the real world of industry presented its case in compelling te...258 readsPython
Derek Onwudiwetecheffect.hashnode.dev·Nov 17, 2023Data Processing Techniques : MLData preprocessing is crucial in machine learning to enhance the quality of input data and improve model performance. Common techniques include: 1. Handling Missing Data: - Imputation: Fill missing values using mean, median, or mode. - Deletion: Remo...data
Habibullah Baharihabibullah.hashnode.dev·May 28, 2023Newton Raphson MethodOverview In numerical analysis, finding the roots of a function is a common and essential task. The Newton-Raphson method is a widely used numerical technique for finding the root of a real-valued function. It is an iterative method that refines an i...49 readsnewton-raphson
Habibullah Baharihabibullah.hashnode.dev·May 15, 2023Horner’s Method for Polynomial EvaluationOverview Horner's method, also known as Horner's scheme or Horner's rule, is an algorithm used for efficiently evaluating polynomials. It allows for the calculation of polynomial values by reducing the number of required multiplications and additions...3 likes·296 readsMathematics
khandoker ananblog.khandokeranan.com·May 5, 2023Various Methods of Finding the Root of an Equation Using Numerical MethodLinear functions are trivial to solve, as are quadratic functions if you memorize the quadratic formula. However, polynomials of higher degrees and non-polynomial functions are much more difficult to solve. The simplest technique for solving these ty...7 likes·50 readsnumerical computing
Matthijs Coxscientificcoder.com·Apr 16, 2023Why this blog?My goal in life is to follow my curiosity and help others with the knowledge I uncover. A solid way to help people is to reflect on the last years and think about what would have helped your past self. In my case, I have been busy trying to develop a...482 readsJulia
Agbeniga Agboolawpgroom.hashnode.dev·Mar 8, 2023Introduction to NumPy: A Beginner's Guide to Numerical Computing in PythonIf you're interested in numerical computing or data analysis with Python, you'll need to learn about NumPy. NumPy is a powerful Python library that provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, along with a wide range of mathemat...numpy