Dhadve Yashyashdhadve.hashnode.dev·Jun 4, 2024How to make TCP server in Odin langBasic tcp server package main import "core:fmt" import "core:net" import "core:strings" import "core:bytes" main :: proc (){ // setting up socket for our server listen_socket, listen_err := net.listen_tcp(net.Endpoint{ port = 8000, ...Discuss·204 readsodinlang
Aditya Nath goswamilli.hashnode.dev·Feb 9, 2024The Polymorphic Path: C & Odin"Polymorphism is very important term in Computer Science which means according to wekipedia , it refers to the ability of different objects to respond to the same message or method invocation in different ways. It allows objects of different types to ...Vishal Pattanaik and 1 other are discussing this2 people are discussing thisDiscuss·3 likes·47 readsC