Rijul Rajesh T Prijultp.hashnode.dev·Sep 15, 2024Why your API Doc Structure Matters: How these 5 Principles make it easy for your readersCommon Issues with API Docs: And How I Managed to Solve Them Good API Documentation is crucial for developers to understand and utilize the APIs in the best way possible, And it can contribute to the success of the project. A Project without good doc...Discuss·21 likesAPIs
Francesc Travesablog.cesc.cool·Sep 15, 2024You've got documentation wrongThis one is going to be fun. Keep an open mind. You finally made it! You can put the last ticket as “done” and you finally can enjoy your free time, only to see the last ticket “write documentation about that”. Or maybe that was embedded as acceptanc...DiscussClean Architecture
Ken Udehkenudeh.hashnode.dev·Sep 14, 2024Setting Up a Docs Site with MintlifyMintlify is a popular tool for generating visually appealing, static documentation websites. Even free accounts include features like custom URLs, OpenAPI support, continuous integration and deployment. Mintlify also streamlines the integration of co...Discussdocs site
Qasim AlbaqaliforCalo Engineeringengineering.calo.app·Sep 3, 2024Inter-Service Communication: Simplifying Integration and Enhancing EfficiencyService-to-service communication (also known as inter-service communication) refers to the exchange of data or messages between different services or components that collectively form a larger application or system (think how different microservices ...Discuss·54 readsAWS
Andy Blackledgewww.10printiamcool.com·Aug 19, 2024Validating JSON Requests Using C# and OpenAPI/SwaggerRecently, I needed to integrate an internal system that generates JSON with a third-party API. Usefully, I had an OpenAPI specification for the API in question. OpenAPI is a specification for machine-readable interface files for describing, producing...Discuss·46 readsC#
Ryan Malawaryanm.hashnode.dev·Jul 15, 2024Designing APIs using the OpenAPI SpecificationAs the lead backend engineer of the Medilink project, I've designed our API using the OpenAPI specification. This experience has been both challenging and rewarding, teaching me valuable lessons about API design. In this post, I'll share my journey, ...DiscussAPIs
jorzeljorzel.hashnode.dev·Jul 5, 2024How to Mock HTTP Servers with Prism and OpenAPI specsDistributed systems often rely on various dependencies that communicate using HTTP REST APIs. However, there are instances where we don't have access to the codebase of these services, or they are third-party systems. In such cases, we need a way to ...Discusshttp
한혜지forCodeSnapcodesnapmag.hashnode.dev·Jun 22, 2024타입스크립트와 OpenAPI로 타입 안정성 있는 API 구축하기원문: Alexander Obregon, "Building Type-safe APIs with TypeScript and OpenAPI" 소개 최신 웹 개발에서 타입 안정성은 안정적이고 유지 관리가 가능한 애플리케이션을 구축하는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다. 정적 타입을 지원하는 자바스크립트의 상위 집합인 타입스크립트는 타입 안정성을 중시하는 개발자가 선호하는 언어가 되었습니다. 반면 OpenAPI는 API를 설계, 구축, 문서화 및 테스트하는 ...Discuss·3 likesJune 2024TypeScript
Max Martínez Cartagenamaxmartinez.dev·Jun 15, 2024Open Api Specification to Joi objects with oas-to-joiIn this new article I will talk about a very useful library called "oas-to-joi" which allows to create Joi Schemas Objects using an Open Api Specification. It provides an easy way to get API validations rules automatically. What is Open Api Specifica...Discuss·40 readsOpenApi
Peter Grzywaczpetergrz.hashnode.dev·Jun 15, 2024CodeBlocks:OpenAI APISlow walks through written code that note the good, the bad, the docs and the ugly. At the lab, everyone's favorite person is Susan. Susan is 60 year old woman who has gained 20 pounds in the last two weeks, has all of a sudden experienced a hard tim...DiscussOpenApi