hiu dangforNight Wolf Teamblogs.night-wolf.io·May 7, 2024Reflected XSS to Remote Code Execution in OpenMRS 3OpenMRS is the world's leading open source Electronic Medical Records platform, sustained by a global community. It is a Java-based, web-based electronic medical record. In this article, I will analyze a vulnerability I have found in OpenMRS 3, their...56 readsOpenMRS
Kelvin Murumbablog.itsmurumba.dev·Jun 27, 2019The Micro Frontend Wave.I spent this past week with Joel Denning, the author of Single SPA, a framework for Micro frontends. We were hacking on how to improve OpenMRS UI using modern technologies. As a community, we have decided to develop the OpenMRS 3.0 UI with Single SPA...52 readsOpenMRS