FARHAN SIDDIQUIapexfarhan.hashnode.dev·15 hours agoEffortlessly Launch Modal Pages in Oracle Apex Using This Custom JavaScript FunctionEver wondered if there was a quick function in Oracle Apex JavaScript library to allow you opening Modal Pages without worrying about the Checksum Page Protection on Modal Page and without writing a confusing JavaScript code in Dynamic Actions every ...modal page
Dan McGhandanmcghan.hashnode.dev·Feb 14, 2025Upgrading SQLcl When Using SQLcl ProjectsKeeping your development tools up to date is essential for smooth collaboration and to take advantage of the latest features and fixes. When working with SQLcl Projects, upgrading SQLcl requires a structured approach to minimize disruption and ensure...1 like·131 readssqlcl
Petar Simicpetarsimic.hashnode.dev·Feb 14, 2025Oracle APEX: Working with Row Selection in Interactive GridThe Interactive Grid (IG) in Oracle APEX provides a feature to select rows when edit mode is enabled. However, it comes with challenges such as: Retrieving all selected records Maintaining selected records between pagination pages Preselecting spe...39 reads#oracle-apex
Sydney Nursesynuora.hashnode.dev·Feb 12, 2025ORDS: Using URI Patterns to protect ResourcesCreating and publishing RESTful APIs from the database is pretty common and fairly simple with Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS). In most cases those exposed APIs would be protected with an API Gateway or the built-in protection of ORDS. If you are un...62 readsorclapex
Dominik Grabińskidgrabinski.hashnode.dev·Feb 12, 2025Part 2: Good and bad practices at APEX! DevelopmentPart 1: analysis Part 2: development Part 3: release to production and beyond APEX Developer = Full stack developer An APEX developer often acts as a full-stack developer, managing the entire lifecycle of an application - from analysis to production...37 readsOracle
Petar Simicpetarsimic.hashnode.dev·Feb 11, 2025Oracle APEX: Auditing User-Requested DataRecently, I was asked how to track the data displayed to users on Reports and Forms in Oracle APEX. The requirement was to prevent displaying any data before search/filter criteria are entered, and to limit the number of rows shown. After some resear...2 likes·85 reads#oracle-apex
Cristhian Cano Bogadoparaguayandev.hashnode.dev·Feb 9, 2025Manejo de Errores y Mejora de UX en Oracle APEX con apex.eventIntroducción Una buena experiencia de usuario (UX) no solo mejora la usabilidad de una aplicación, sino que también previene errores y reduce frustraciones. En Oracle APEX, la API apex.event nos permite gestionar eventos de manera eficiente para evit...34 readsApex
Jon Dixonblog.cloudnueva.com·Feb 6, 2025Consolidating Validation Logic with APEX_ERRORIntroduction There are many options for handling validations in Oracle APEX. This post will focus on the PL/SQL Error validation type. I want to focus on this validation type because it allows us to consolidate validation logic into a PL/SQL package,...8 likes·567 readsorclapex
Dominik Grabińskidgrabinski.hashnode.dev·Feb 5, 2025Part 1: Good and bad practices at APEX! Analysis and PoCPart 1: analysis Part 2: development Part 3: release to production and beyond First things first: Analysis Is APEX suitable? Is Oracle APEX a Good Choice? When deciding on a platform, it’s essential to evaluate if Oracle APEX fits your application’s...89 readsOracle
Matt MulvaneyforHot off the Application Expressmattmulvaney.hashnode.dev·Feb 3, 2025Using AI to generate Oracle APEX Theme Roller Styles v.2I’ve previously blogged on this subject, however I found that as new versions of the Universal Theme appeared, it meant that that approach no longer worked. Here is an approach that is hopefully future proof. It works on APEX 24.2 at least. NOTE: I a...2 likes·512 readsorclapex