Abdul Ahad Sheikhpgdacmate.hashnode.dev·Jul 8, 2023PGDAC | Data Structures and Algorithms | Binary Search Tree Part-1Introduction In this blog, we will be looking into a data structure called Trees. A tree data structure is a hierarchical structure that is used to represent and organize data in a way that is easy to navigate and search. It is a collection of nodes ...68 readsDSAPGDAC
Abdul Ahad Sheikhpgdacmate.hashnode.dev·Apr 30, 2023PGDAC | OOP Java | Collections FrameworkWhat are Collections? Any group of individual objects which are represented as a single unit is known as a collection of objects. In Java, a separate framework named the “Collection Framework” has been defined in JDK 1.2 which holds all the collectio...167 readsOOP with JavaPGDAC
Abdul Ahad Sheikhpgdacmate.hashnode.dev·Apr 27, 2023PGDAC | Software Development Methodologies | GitHub ProfileWhy make a GitHub Profile: Every coder should create a GitHub profile for two reasons: To showcase their work and, To connect with other developers. GitHub's collaborative features allow programmers to write code and develop projects for reposito...118 readsSDM#sdm
Abdul Ahad Sheikhpgdacmate.hashnode.dev·Apr 26, 2023PGDAC | Mock Test |OOPS Java | Problem #2Let's begin with the Problem statement first. Problem Statement: Q2. Write a program to check whether 2 strings are Anagram or not Explanation of the Problem Statement: The problem wants us to ask the user to input two Strings and check if the Stri...96 readsExamsOOPS
Abdul Ahad Sheikhpgdacmate.hashnode.dev·Apr 26, 2023PGDAC | Mock Test | OOPS Java | Problem #1Let's begin with the Problem statement first. Problem Statement: Q1. Write a program to find the index of the second last occurrence of a Character in the given String. Explanation of the Problem Statement: The problem wants us to ask the user to i...111 readsExamsOOPS
Abdul Ahad Sheikhpgdacmate.hashnode.dev·Apr 26, 2023PGDAC | Software Development Methodologies | Git and GitHub NotesGit and GitHub are amongst the most popular tools in today's time. But a lot of people are still confused about the difference between Git and GitHub. So let's learn the difference between these two. What is Version Control? Version control systems a...92 readsSDMGit
Abdul Ahad Sheikhpgdacmate.hashnode.dev·Apr 25, 2023PGDAC | Aptitude | SquaresIn this blog, we will be going over how to find the Squares and Square roots of numbers Prerequisites ⭐️ You must by-heart the squares till 25. 1116216 2417289 3918324 41619361 52520400 63621441 74922484 86423529 98124576 1010025625...150 readsPGDAC