Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Nov 24, 2024The Pragmatic Programming for Modern Developers“The greatest challenges for a software developer today aren’t purely technical—they’re about navigating complexity, adapting to change, and creating lasting impact. ” Software development has come a long way since The Pragmatic Programmer was first...Pragmatic programmer
Raahul Seshadrithephilosopher.tech·Feb 17, 2024The Philosophy of TechnologyNew frameworks, libraries, and technologies keep getting released like a firehose of innovation. However, there's one thing that often gets neglected. It's not something that you can hold, or contain within a file, or air-gap from the rest of the wor...Philosophy of computer science
Siddharth Mohanakrishnandarthyeager.hashnode.dev·Aug 17, 2023Successful programmer : A Mirage in existenceIntroduction Have you ever wondered, "How can I solve this coding problem?" or "How to get this algorithm in my mind?". If you have, don't worry. I do too. I still do for some questions. Now there will be two types of outcomes and that makes you thin...Programming Blogs