Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Nov 24, 2024The Pragmatic Programming for Modern Developers“The greatest challenges for a software developer today aren’t purely technical—they’re about navigating complexity, adapting to change, and creating lasting impact. ” Software development has come a long way since The Pragmatic Programmer was first...Pragmatic programmer
Narayana M V Lnarayana85.hashnode.dev·Jul 28, 2024Introduction to DjangoDjango is a high-level Python web framework designed to rapidly develop secure and maintainable websites. It emphasizes clean design, pragmatic development, and the reuse of components. Django is a high-level Python web framework designed to encourag...Friendly Django Tutorial SeriesDjango
Islam Sayedislamsayed.hashnode.dev·Jul 16, 2024Technology BiasYou shouldn't be wedded to any particular technology, but have a broad enough background and experience base to allow you to choose good solutions in particular situations. Your background stems from an understanding of the basic principles of comput...Computer Science
Mohamed Ashourblog.m-ashour.space·May 20, 2024The Pragmatic Programmer: Notes on EstimationsLet me start by answering the most frequently asked question in a Software Engineer's career! How long will it take to finish this? The answer you should give at the beginning is I'll take that to the team and get back to you. OR I will get back...64 readsSoftware Engineering
Mustafa BüyüksoyforSoftware Product Loompeaksontheback.hashnode.dev·Oct 24, 2023Lessons Learned from The Pragmatic Programmer Book⌘ Key Takeaways Invest regularly: Learn at least one new language every year Read a technical book each month Read nontechnical books, too Take classes Participate in local user groups and meetups Experiment with different environments (Linux ...programmer
Christian Blancojavaplusstuff.hashnode.dev·Sep 9, 2023Journey to become a tech lead | "Software Entropy" and "Bolied Frogs"Notes from "The pragmatic programmer" Software entropy. When disorder increases in software, we call it "software rot" or "technical debt", with the implied notion that they'll pay it back someday. Factors that can contribute to software rot: Psychol...26 readsbest practices
Lukas Krimphovekrimphove.site·Aug 28, 2023You Should be Using a Software Engineering DaybookIn the world of software engineering, staying organized, focused, and continuously improving can be challenging. To tackle this, engineers often use various tools and techniques to streamline their work and increase productivity. One method is the so...Productivity
Miraya Techmirayatech.hashnode.dev·Jun 7, 2023Book review: Lessons from The Pragmatic ProgrammerA Pragmatic Philosophy It's your life Don't forget that you don't have to stick to a job forever. This has nothing to do with loyalty, but rather finding something that fits your life and makes you happy. You should always invest in your knowledge po...12 likes·224 readsPragmatic programmer
Supriya Pattanaiksuperexplorer.hashnode.dev·Jan 1, 2023Software Engineering CraftsmanshipWhile reading the book Software Craftsmanship, I came to know that every developer should write a blog. Amidst the era of AI Writer, ChatCPT etc, I was quite anxious about writing this Blog. As there is an absolute shortcut to every second thing we d...1 likeSoftware Engineering