Adedamola Ajiboladamolaaji.hashnode.dev路Feb 6, 2024Solving Kubernetes CronJob Stuck on Pending with Pod AffinityIntroduction Running cron jobs on a Kubernetes cluster provides an automated way to perform periodic tasks. However, when your cluster is dynamically managed, and new nodes come into play, you might encounter an issue where your cron job pods get stu...151 readsKubernetes
krishnapal rawatkrishkp.hashnode.dev路Dec 19, 2023Configmaps & Secrets | How To Use Configmaps & Secrets Inside PodConfigMaps and Secrets are Kubernetes resources used to manage configuration data and sensitive information within your applications. ConfigMaps are used for storing non-sensitive configuration data, while Secrets are specifically designed to handle ...Security
sumit sharmasumit701.hashnode.dev路Nov 22, 2023What is Kubernetes? And its ComponentsIn the dynamic landscape of modern software development, where agility, scalability, and reliability are paramount, container orchestration has emerged as a game-changer. At the forefront of this revolution stands Kubernetes, an open-source container...2 likes路66 readsKubernetes
Poorvashapoorva.hashnode.dev路Oct 8, 2023Pod vs Container vs DeploymentPod: A Pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes. It represents a single instance of a running process in a cluster. Example Code: apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: my-pod spec: containers: - name: main-app image: nginx:l...31 readspod
Amit Pawaravp23.hashnode.dev路Sep 4, 2023Day 31- 90DaysOfDevOpsHey Learners! Welcome back. In the previous task, we learned about the architecture of the most interesting and important tool K8s. It's time to dig deeper and create our first Pod on local. Let's started What is Minikube? Minikube is a tool that qui...47 reads#day31
CHANDRESH PATLEchandreshpatle.hashnode.dev路Aug 26, 2023Day 31 Task: Launching your First Kubernetes Cluster with Nginx runningAwesome! We learned the architecture of one of the top most important tools "Kubernetes" in our previous task. 馃敹 What is minikube? Minikube is a tool that quickly sets up a local Kubernetes cluster on macOS, Linux, and Windows. It can deploy as a VM...36 reads90DaysOfDevopsChallengeKubernetes
Abdul Rehmanabdulr.hashnode.dev路Aug 23, 2023Kubernetes Pod in simple termsIn the world of computers and software, a Kubernetes pod is like a small, self-contained unit that holds one or more containers. Containers are like packages that include everything your software needs to run, such as the code, libraries, and setting...Kubernetes
Ashutosh Mahajanashutoshamblogs.hashnode.dev路Jul 23, 2023Exploring Multi-Container pod in Kubernetes馃椉Introduction Kubernetes, the leading container orchestration platform, allows you to manage complex applications with ease through its pod-based architecture. While single-container pods are the most common deployment model, there are scenarios whe...3 likes路31 readsckad
Ashutosh Mahajanashutoshamblogs.hashnode.dev路Jul 15, 2023Kubenetes Objects: Pods, ReplicaSets, Deployments, and Namespaces馃椉Introduction In the world of containerization, Kubernetes has emerged as a powerful orchestrator, providing seamless management and scaling of applications. Understanding the core components of Kubernetes is essential for harnessing its full potent...10 likes路43 readspod
Fahad Anwartechdevjournal.com路Feb 7, 2023Kubernetes Overview: Part-2Be sure to check out Kubernetes Overview: Part-1 [ Basics of Kubernetes and its components] In the previous part of this series, we spoke about the basics of Kubernetes and Kubernetes Components on a high level. In this section, we will cover Kuber...61 readsKubernetesKubernetes