Mihai Popescujavainterviewprep.hashnode.dev·6 hours agoRandom interview preparation subjectsJPA Repository: What It Is Used For and Main Features What is JPA Repository? JpaRepository is a part of Spring Data JPA, which provides a convenient way to interact with a relational database using JPA (Java Persistence API). It extends PagingAndSor...Java
Sin ConsistenciaforThe sinco blogthesincoblog.hashnode.dev·19 hours agoHello worldHello World That is probably the most printed message in consoles. And you know why? It’s because of the obvious thing…everyone else does it LMAO! But it’s also simple enough to get used to a language syntax. And yeah. It works! Please tell me if yo...1 likesinco
Dhawal Pandyadhawalpandya01.hashnode.dev·Nov 15, 2024When to use crypto/rand and where to use math/rand?In coding, randomness is not as random as you think. There are two distinct paths to generating randomness: math/rand and crypto/rand. Both have their merits, but they serve very different purposes. math/rand If math/rand were a person, it would be t...golang
Dmytro Sapozhnykearlold.tech·Oct 13, 2024How does Math.random() work in JS?While researching random number generation using quantum programming, I wondered how Math.random() works in JS. Here are a few points to highlight: Math.random() is part of the browser API, not the language itself. In all browsers after 2015, Math....1 likeJavaScript
Sanjeevini Mbookmarken.hashnode.dev·Jul 21, 2024Thoughts on lifeIs it a boon or A curse... Is it to embrace the joy of love Or grieve the days of separation To silently admire the growing infant Or fear the last days of the old... To act crazy and make memories Or to think on the purpose we are made... To choose ...20 likes·34 readslife
Nivesh Sniveshs.hashnode.dev·Jul 16, 2024random! reflections^ - A Short StoryA short story, or to be precise, a series of thoughts in the boring life of a random teenager. Neo. "Nothing is certain. Nothing. As the vehicle moved past me in the opposite lane, I looked through the smudgy window, seeing a lost soul in my own refl...Story
remiind.ccblog.remiind.cc·Jun 24, 2024remiind.cc: Stop daily email for nowIf you want to have a rest from the remiind.cc daily emails, you can turn it off. Go to Account page, then turn on "Stop daily emails for now". When you are ready you can always turn it back on. Enjoy at remiind.ccNew Featuresremiindcc
Rishabh Mishrarishabhmishra.hashnode.dev·Jun 22, 2024Day 4: Exploring Randomness, Lists, and Conditional Logic in PythonWelcome back to my Python learning journey! Today, I delved deeper into Python programming with a focus on practical applications. Let's explore the concepts I mastered and the code I wrote. 1. Harnessing Randomness with random Module Python's random...PythonPython
Sourodip Kunduisourodip.hashnode.dev·Jun 13, 2024blogging chalu.I am a developer working at Persistent Systems. Prior to joining Persistent Systems, although as much interested I was in computer (i.e, computer games pc>>>>consoles), I never really stayed consistent and did not really focus on my software career a...random
remiind.ccblog.remiind.cc·Jun 2, 2024remiind.cc: Update when to receive daily emailWhen you signup, remiind.cc randomly (random again) picks a time between 1:00~6:00 AM of your timezone, that's the time it will checks your reminders daily, and send you emails. When you wake up, the email is already in your inbox. If you are not hap...remiindcc