Krosspost·15 hours agoFrom Ideas to Impact: How Krosspost Turns You Raw Thoughts into Engaging PostsHave you ever found yourself with a great idea but struggled to present it in a way that captures attention? You’re not alone. Whether you’re a business owner, a content creator, or a marketing professional, translating raw thoughts into engaging, po...crosspost
Ajink·Feb 4, 2025🚀 Shockingly Productive: Meet "ShockBoard," the Error-Punishing KeyboardRedditor u/Several-Virus4840 sparked a frenzy on r/developersIndia by building a DIY keyboard that delivers electric shocks to coders who make too many errors. Dubbed "ShockBoard," this cheeky project blends dark humor with hardware hacking, and the ...10 likesCool Techcool
Harsh·Jan 21, 2025How to Add Memory to RAG Application and AI Agents1. Memory in RAG Applications RAG applications use external data sources and retrieval systems to provide accurate responses. Adding memory allows the system to retain past interactions or contextual data for improved relevance. Steps to Add Memory: ...RAG
Rajtilak·Dec 23, 2024Implementing Reddit Auth for Flask AppEvery year we organize a Gift Exchange event at r/IndiaSocial just before Christmas. It's our version of Secret Santa. We have been organizing this even for the past 4 years, last year I thought we should get it more streamlined and so created an app...reddit
Harshit·Dec 15, 2024Deployed a Reddit Copy on Kubernetes with Ingress EnabledTable of contents Step 1: Clone the source code Step 2: Containerize the Application using Docker Step 3) Building Docker-Image Step 4) Load the Docker Image into Kind Cluster Step 5) Write a Kubernetes Manifest File Write Deployment.yml file ...1 like·449 readsDevops
Benjamin·Dec 14, 2024Content Moderation for Communities: A Full GuideContent moderation has become one of the most critical aspects of managing online communities. In a world where user-generated content is the foundation of many platforms, ensuring that the interactions remain respectful, safe, and within guidelines ...# content moderation
Omar·Dec 2, 2024What is Reddit karma and why does it matter?Understanding Reddit Karma Basics Reddit karma is just a points system that shows how much other users like what you post and comment. Think of it as your Reddit score - when people like what you share, they click the up arrow (upvote) and you get po...reddit guide
Raghav·Oct 17, 2024Reddit Backend Project Using Microservice ArchitectureWhat are Microservices Microservices represent a software architecture approach where a complex application is built as a collection of small, independent services, each running in its process and communicating with others through well-defined APIs. ...12 likes·79 readsreddit
Prakash·Oct 8, 2024Step-by-Step Guide to Handling Multiple GitHub Accounts Using githubuser.sh1. Deleting Existing GitHub User and GPG Key Configurations Before setting up switchable accounts, it's essential to remove any previous GitHub user configurations and GPG keys that may cause conflicts. Steps: Remove Global GitHub User Configuration...2 likesGitHub
Nettribe·Sep 25, 2024Reddit Introduces AI Translation in Many New CountriesReddit has recently introduced an AI-powered automatic translation feature, expanding its reach to more than 35 additional countries. This development aims to make Reddit more accessible to non-English speakers, allowing users to engage with content ...reddit