Ariska·Dec 30, 2024Tipe Primitif dan Tipe Referensi dalam TypeScriptTypeScript, sebagai superset dari JavaScript, menyediakan berbagai tipe data yang digunakan untuk mendefinisikan struktur dan perilaku data dalam aplikasi. Dalam TypeScript, tipe data dapat dibagi menjadi dua kategori utama: Tipe Primitif dan Tipe Re...primitive
Ahmad W·Dec 9, 2024A Guide to Go for Python, PHP, and Node.js DevelopersWhy Go? 1. A Brief HistoryGo was created at Google in 2007 by a team led by Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, and Ken Thompson. They designed it to address the challenges of large-scale software development, combining the simplicity and speed of dynamic la...1 like·86 readsgolang
Ahmad W·Nov 24, 2024The Pragmatic Programming for Modern Developers“The greatest challenges for a software developer today aren’t purely technical—they’re about navigating complexity, adapting to change, and creating lasting impact. ” Software development has come a long way since The Pragmatic Programmer was first...Pragmatic programmer
Ahmad W·Nov 22, 2024Design Patterns in Python: The Complete ReferenceDesign patterns are a cornerstone of software engineering. They provide proven solutions to recurring design problems and enable developers to build robust, scalable, and maintainable systems. This comprehensive guide covers all 23 GoF (Gang of Four)...1 like·168 readsPython
Siddhesh·Sep 26, 2024Understanding Rust's Ownership, Borrowing, and ReferencesRust has gained significant popularity in recent years, largely due to its unique approach to memory management and concurrency. At the heart of Rust's safety guarantees lies its ownership system, along with the concepts of borrowing and references. ...Rust
Anjan kumar·Jul 8, 2024Wrapper classesJava has two categories of data types: primitive and reference. Primitive types are the basic types that store values directly in memory, such as int, char, boolean, and so on. Reference types are the types that store references to objects in memory,...#BoxingUnboxing
Diego·Apr 25, 2024Rust with diagrams: Ownership 6 - References & BorrowingBefore reading about References and Borrowing, you should know how variables and data interact with "move" and "clone" and understand the concept of the Heap. You can find a summary of these topics in the next articles. Rust's memory approach, Data i...Rust
Sahil·Feb 6, 2024Vim Key Bindings – Vim Keys List ReferenceUnderstanding Vim key bindings is crucial for navigating and editing text efficiently in Vim or Vim-based text editors like Neovim. In this article, we'll explore the most common Vim key bindings that will help you navigate your text editor seamless...cheatsheet
Zikani Nyirenda·Oct 8, 2023Implementing a Custom ID generator for Hibernate entities in JavaIf you have used Hibernate before you know that you can specify that an Entity class should have it's @Id fields set via @GeneratedValue - typically you use either a sequence or identity strategy to automatically generate, say, auto-incrementing inte...4 likes·4.6K readshibernate
Cyber·Jul 18, 2023Memory management in CPythonAs we all know, python is a garbage-collected language. However, have you ever wondered how memory is managed under the hood? It's very different than what happens in other garbage-collected programming languages like Java, Go, Javascript, etc. Today...2 likes·58 readsPython