Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Jun 16, 2024Communication Strategies for Remote Tech TeamsIn today's increasingly digital world, remote work has become the norm rather than the exception. As a senior software engineer and tech lead with extensive experience working remotely for various startups and enterprises, I've learned that effective...communication
Rodolfo Casanovarcasanova.hashnode.dev·Jun 25, 2023Conflict Resolution in the Tech Industry: A Personal ApproachIntroduction In Technology business it is somehow common to work with colleagues from various backgrounds, including different countries and regions, this can sometimes present challenges like: Cultural differences, norms, values, and communication s...210 readsSoftware Development & Business StrategyRemote Teams and Culture
Basel Rabiabaselrabia.hashnode.dev·Feb 27, 2023Conversation With My Senior FriendA senior software engineer is a highly experienced software developer who has achieved a level of expertise in software development, often through years of experience and professional growth. Their role in a software development team involves a wide ...69 readssenior
Sergio PereiraforSergio Pereira's blogsergiopereira.hashnode.dev·Dec 18, 202212 Tips for More Productive and Happier Remote TeamsThere’s no question that remote work is already the way to work. The only concern is, are you ready for it? If you want to be successful in this new way of working, there are a few things you need to know. After over a decade of working remotely, I’v...27 readsmanagement
Sergio PereiraforSergio Pereira's blogsergiopereira.hashnode.dev·Nov 17, 2022Finding Balance Between Async Workflows and Social Bonding"My remote team was exhausted with meetings. So we implemented async workflows to replace most of those meetings. Now I feel a lack of social bonding in the team. What can we do better?" A fellow CTO asked me over DMs last week. Tips for Making A...asynchronous