Rakesh Vardanrakeshvardan.com·Oct 8, 2024Navigating the Storm: Best Practices for Test Leads When a Bug is Found in ProductionIntroduction: Discovering a bug in a production environment is a nightmare scenario for any test lead. It’s stressful, potentially embarrassing, and often leads to immediate scrutiny of the testing team. However, it's crucial to recognize that softwa...DiscussBug Management
Gaurav Massandgauravmassand.hashnode.dev·Sep 7, 2024Breezy Guide to Effective RCA WritingWhat is RCA and Why is it important? System outages are an inevitable part of managing software systems. RCA, or Root Cause Analysis, is a systematic approach to identifying the reasons behind an outage and implementing solutions to prevent recurrenc...Discuss·114 readsroot cause analysis
Hyunwoo Choihyunwoochoi.hashnode.dev·Apr 14, 2024Debug method - 2: root cause analysisDuring firmware development, if something does not work as expected, we need to throw this question first: "hardware issue or firmware issue?" This idea will help to figure out potential root causes. Hardware issue? Verify power supply. Use a multi...DiscussDebugroot cause analysis
Abhay Singhabhaysingh.hashnode.dev·Mar 9, 2024Optimize Your Software with Observability in Development and TestingWhat is Observability? In software development, observability means having the ability to understand what’s happening inside your systems just by looking at their outputs. Think of it as your application providing clues for troubleshooting and optimi...Discussblog
Harsh Rathihrathi.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2022One Framework to rule them all. Root Cause Analysis.Root cause analysis of a problem can be a daunting undertaking unless performed under a structure. With a battery of approaches available, I see people making their own arsenal into an antagonizing force. Here is a framework that I have time and agai...DiscussProduct Management