Karl PepperforKarl Pepper's Python Dreamspandas.hashnode.dev·Aug 2, 2023Data Wrangling with dplyr in R: A TutorialData wrangling is crucial to data analysis and is vital in transforming raw data into meaningful insights. In R, the dplyr package is a powerful tool that revolutionizes data wrangling because it is efficient and intuitive. Developed by Hadley Wickha...DiscussR Language
joshua osoroforjoshuaosorojoshuaosoro.hashnode.dev·Dec 18, 2022Vector attribute manipulation of sf datalibrary(sf) library(rKenyaCensus) library(dplyr) Vector attribute data is non-spatial data associated with geographic data. We shall play with geographic data courtesy of rKenyaCensus library that represents census data of 2010. kenya_sf <- rKenyaCe...Discuss·144 readsrstats