karthik hubliforKarthik Hublicustomer-identity-access-management.hashnode.dev·10 hours agoUnderstanding Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM)In today's digital world, secure and reliable online interactions are paramount. We entrust our personal information and financial details to countless digital platforms, making robust security measures essential. This is where CIAM, or Customer Iden...DiscussIAM
Justin & MichaelPronotyourcryptopodcast.com·Nov 19, 2024What are the odds?We are not a current events podcast. We are not a current events podcast. We are not a…. but a current event did happen in November of 2024, and it turns out that Polymarket, a blockchain-based prediction market, got pretty big during it. “Pretty big...DiscussWeb3
Nilson Vieiranilsonvieira.com.br·Nov 19, 2024Por que DevOps precisa se preocupar com Segurança da Informação?Em um cenário onde as transformações digitais acontecem em ritmo acelerado e as ameaças cibernéticas evoluem constantemente, o papel do profissional DevOps tem se tornado cada vez mais crítico para a segurança das organizações. No entanto, ainda exis...DiscussTrilha DevOpsDevSecOps
Harendra Barotharrybdevops.hashnode.dev·Nov 19, 2024Ansible Guide: Manage EC2 Instances and Protect Your SecretsIn the ever-evolving DevOps landscape, efficiency and security are paramount. Today, I honed my skills in Ansible for EC2 management and learned valuable lessons about securing sensitive information after facing a secret key compromise. Let’s dive in...Discusshashicorp-vault
vishal kambletechflowinsights.hashnode.dev·Nov 19, 2024API Gateways Simplified: Features, Benefits, and Best PracticesIn the modern era of microservices and distributed architectures, API Gateways have become an indispensable part of any application ecosystem. They act as the central hub, bridging client applications and backend services while ensuring security, sca...DiscussAPI Gateway
b1d0wsb1d0ws.hashnode.dev·Nov 19, 2024AppSec Project - Chapter 4, SAST Tools and ContainerizationIntroduction Hello! Today, we’ll explore testing various SAST tools to evaluate their effectiveness in helping us secure our application. Additionally, we’ll containerize our app and make final adjustments to bring the project to completion. Our bran...Discuss·84 readspentesting
BHAVESH PATILparanerdzops.hashnode.dev·Nov 18, 2024Static vs. Dynamic IP Address: Security Implications and Mitigation StrategiesLearn about the security implications of using a static IP address and discover effective mitigation strategies to protect your network Static vs. Dynamic IP Address: Security Implications and Mitigation Strategies Increased Vulnerability to Targete...DiscussSecurity
Maneshwar C Hollalovestaco.hashnode.dev·Nov 17, 2024From Vulnerabilities to Vault: How We Stopped Hardcoding Secrets and Started Using Hashicorp VaultWe recently migrated our infrastructure from Kubernetes to HashiCorp Nomad. Soon after, we encountered service discovery issues and integrated Consul to address them. At this point, we were feeling a bit more relaxed, knowing that we could dedicate l...Discuss·10 likesDevops
Sonya Moissetsonyamoisset.hashnode.dev·Nov 17, 2024Guía de seguridad para software de código abierto — Mejores prácticas para asegurar tus proyectosChristine Peterson acuñó el término “software de código abierto” o OSS en 1998. Se refiere a software que está disponible de forma gratuita para que cualquiera lo use, modifique y distribuya. El código fuente de OSS está disponible abiertamente y cua...Discuss#cybersecurity
Sonya Moissetsonyamoisset.hashnode.dev·Nov 17, 2024Guide de sécurité pour les logiciels open source — Meilleures pratiques pour sécuriser vos projetsChristine Peterson a inventé le terme “open source software” ou OSS en 1998. Elle fait référence à des logiciels qui sont librement disponibles pour toute personne souhaitant les utiliser, les modifier et les distribuer. Le code source de l’OSS est o...DiscussOpen Source