Anower·Jul 14, 2024Segment Tree-1Segment Tree Basic Node Divide With Segment Tree Node Numbering (Segment Tree) // build (node, begin, end) build (1, 1, N) { L = 2xN, R = (2xN) + 1 // Node Number Calculate mid = (begin + end) / 2 left = (L, begin, mid) left = (R, ...Discuss·136 readssegment-tree
Nitesh·Mar 3, 2024Secret Data Structures of C++: PBDS LibraryThe PBDS (Policy-Based Data Structures) library, also known as the GNU Policy-Based Data Structures (PBDS) library, is an extension to the C++ Standard Template Library (STL) provided by GNU. It offers additional data structures that are not availabl...Discuss·3 likes·96 readsordered_set
Gary Vladimir Núñez Ló·Sep 19, 2022Segment Tree Introduction In C++Introduction Welcome Back! In this post, we will take a beginner's dive into segment trees in c++, we will look at what are they. what are they for? and we will solve some basic competitive programming problems together. Before we begin, I highly sug...Discuss·5 likes·534 readsdata structures
Mayank·Sep 7, 2022The lazy algorithm vs BITThis article was first published in the author's personal blog: Back in my days of competitive coding - I realized that there are two kinds of competitive coders - one who know binary indexed trees (BIT) ...Discussalgorithms