Hemant Besracodeinjava.hashnode.dev·Dec 30, 2024Singleton Design Pattern with Java EnumThe Singleton design pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it. This is particularly useful when you want to control access to shared resources, such as database connections or configuration settin...Interview QuestionsSingleton Design Pattern
ritiksharmaaaritiksharmaaa.in·Nov 29, 2024Understanding the Role of DSA and Design Patterns in Web DevelopmentWeb development often feels straightforward: fetch data from a database, perform operations, and send the processed data to the client. However, the deeper complexities of handling data efficiently and maintaining scalable code require understanding ...Data Structure And Algorithmslow level design
Surjendu Palsurjendu.hashnode.dev·Nov 9, 2024Singleton Design PatternSingleton design pattern is creational design pattern which enables you to ensure that the class has only a single instance, while providing a globally shared access point to this instance. Principles Singleton pattern ensure that only one instance ...11 likes·60 readsDesign PatternsJava
Shikhor Royshikhorroy.hashnode.dev·Nov 6, 2024Design Patterns - Singleton (in Java)Definition A class should have only one instance and that should be accessible globally. This is a Creational Design Pattern. Idea Behind Singleton Design Pattern Limit object creation by making the constructor private Expose a public static method...78 readsDesign Patternsdesign patterns
Maxi Contierimaximilianocontieri.com·Nov 5, 2024Refactoring 018 - Replace SingletonTL;DR: Refactor singletons to reduce coupling Problems Addressed High coupling Difficult testability Multi-threading issues Garbage accumulation 15 problems more... Related Code Smells https://maximilianocontieri.com/code-smell-32-singletons https...Refactoringssoftware development
Akash Jayanakashjayandev.hashnode.dev·Nov 3, 2024How the Singleton Principle Works in JavaScript: A Comprehensive Case AnalysisIn software design, the Singleton pattern is a widely used design principle that restricts the instantiation of a class to a single instance. This is particularly useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system. In th...React
Alyaa Talaatalyaatalaat28.hashnode.dev·Oct 14, 2024Singleton Design Pattern – Head First ApproachThe Singleton Pattern is a simple yet powerful design pattern for controlling object creation. It ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. In the Head First Design Patterns book, the Singleton...3 likesdesign patterns
Junaid Bin Jamanjunaidbinjaman.help·Sep 5, 2024Singleton Pattern in JavaScript: A Simple Guide with ExamplesThe Singleton Pattern is one of the most well-known design patterns in programming. In simple terms, a singleton is a class that allows only one instance of itself to be created. This pattern is useful in cases where you need a single point of access...Singleton Design Pattern
Swami Buddha Chaitanyachaiitanyacodes.hashnode.dev·Sep 5, 2024Stateful vs. Stateless Backends: Leveraging Singleton and Pub-Sub for Scalable Real-Time SystemsWhen building robust backend systems, two major paradigms often come into play—stateful and stateless architectures. Understanding their differences is essential for designing solutions that can scale, especially when working with real-time applicati...Redis
Ganesh Rama Hegdedesignpatterns.hashnode.dev·Sep 1, 2024Singleton Design PatternThe Singleton pattern is classified as a creational design pattern because its primary purpose is to control the creation of objects. Specifically, the Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access...1 likeTypeScript