Junaid Bin JamanProjunaidbinjaman.com·Sep 5, 2024Singleton Pattern in JavaScript: A Simple Guide with ExamplesThe Singleton Pattern is one of the most well-known design patterns in programming. In simple terms, a singleton is a class that allows only one instance of itself to be created. This pattern is useful in cases where you need a single point of access...DiscussSingleton Design Pattern
Swami Buddha Chaitanyachaiitanyacodes.hashnode.dev·Sep 5, 2024Stateful vs. Stateless Backends: Leveraging Singleton and Pub-Sub for Scalable Real-Time SystemsWhen building robust backend systems, two major paradigms often come into play—stateful and stateless architectures. Understanding their differences is essential for designing solutions that can scale, especially when working with real-time applicati...DiscussRedis
Ganesh Rama HegdeforDesign Patterns in Software Blogdesignpatterns.hashnode.dev·Sep 1, 2024Singleton Design PatternThe Singleton pattern is classified as a creational design pattern because its primary purpose is to control the creation of objects. Specifically, the Singleton pattern ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access...Discuss·1 likeTypeScript
Ganesh Rama HegdeforDesign Patterns in Software Blogdesignpatterns.hashnode.dev·Sep 1, 2024Creational Design PatternsCreational design patterns are a category of design patterns in software development that focus on how objects are created. Their primary goal is to abstract the instantiation process, making it more flexible and reusable. By controlling the creation...Discuss·1 likeTypes
Srawan Paudelsrawan.hashnode.dev·Aug 21, 2024Simplifying Singleton Patterns in Unity with a Reusable Base ClassSingleton patterns are a fundamental part of many Unity projects, ensuring that a class has only one instance throughout the game. However, writing Singleton code repeatedly for different classes can be tedious and error-prone. In this blog post, we'...Discuss·1 likedesign patterns
ByteScrum TechnologiesforByteScrum Technologiesblog.bytescrum.com·Aug 14, 2024JavaScript Design Patterns: Implementing the Singleton and Factory PatternsDesign patterns are proven solutions to common problems in software design. They provide a standardized approach to solving issues, making code more modular, reusable, and easier to understand. In JavaScript, design patterns are particularly valuable...Discuss·12 likesJavaScript
Tarun Sharmatapstechie.hashnode.dev·Aug 14, 2024Understanding and Implementing the Singleton Pattern in Python: Key Concepts and ChallengesIntroduction The Singleton pattern is one of the most well-known design patterns in software engineering. It ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. This article will guide you through the fu...Discuss·2 likesDesign Patternborg-pattern
Joshua Akosadevwithjosh.com·Aug 3, 2024Understanding Singleton Design Pattern in C#The Singleton design pattern is one of the most widely used patterns in software development. It ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to that instance. This pattern is particularly useful in scenarios where...Discuss·20 likes·29 readsDesign PatternsC#
Abhav Goelabhavgoel.hashnode.dev·Aug 4, 2024Understanding Singleton Design patternIntroduction Design patterns are fundamental in software development, providing time-tested solutions to common problems. Among these patterns, the Singleton design pattern is particularly noteworthy. It ensures that a class has only one instance and...Discussdesign patterns
Quang Phanquangphan.hashnode.dev·Jul 31, 2024Design pattern for Database ContextI have a small library system application which I want to implement CRUD operation on Books and other related services. When choosing the pattern for my data access layer, my initial thought was that a singleton pattern would ensure only one object i...Discuss·180 readsDesign Patterns in .NET Core.design patterns