shohanur·Jan 15, 2025Essential Software Development Principles.Maintaining Software Development Principles is essential for writing simple and maintainable code. These are concepts to follow while coding to write better future proof code. Let’s take a glimpse on the core principles. S.O.L.I.D principles: - development principles·Dec 5, 2024Linkedine Font🔍 Check out Linkedine Font now! Explore this 📁 sans serif fonts and claim your 🆓 free download here. Let's start crafting together! 🚀 Discover Linkedine, an exquisitely clean and bold display font, that masterfully combines contemporary aesthetic...highimpact
Vedant·Sep 30, 2024SOLID Principles: Applying Single Responsibility Principle to Real-World Code1. Introduction Ever wondered why you found yourself modifying the same class to accommodate unrelated features? Imagine having a class responsible for processing invoices, but over time, it has become the go to class to fix issues related to databas...280 readsC#
Durga·Sep 21, 2024Cracking SOLID Principles with Simple AnalogiesImagine being stuck with code that feels like a jumbled puzzle—every time you make a change, something doesn’t fit. You add one feature, and suddenly the whole thing collapses like a house of cards. The more you try to fix it, the more tangled it get...SOLID principles·Jul 28, 2024Why I Emphasize KISS and DRY Over SOLID Principles in Software Development 🚀In the world of software development, principles and methodologies are essential for writing clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Among the various principles, KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself), and SOLID principles are o...10 likes·33 readsKISS Principle
Anjan·Jun 24, 2024What are the SOLID Principles in Java? Explained With Code ExamplesIn this article, you'll learn about the SOLID principles. You'll gain an understanding of each principle along with Java code examples. SOLID principles are a set of five design principles used in object-oriented programming. Adhering to these princi...Java
Hankyu·Jun 10, 2024SOLID Principle and Design PatternsSOLID abbreviation represents : SRP(Single Responsibility Principle) - A class should have only one responsibility. OCP(Open Closed Principle) - Software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification LSP(Liskov Substitution Princ...solid·May 21, 2024How to Build Resilient Microservice Systems – SOLID Principles for MicroservicesWe are in the era of transformative technology with several innovations springing up to improve service delivery and enhance customers’ satisfaction. More so is the introduction of microservices and other distributed systems into the software industr...Microservices
Pedro·Mar 16, 2024Dominando o SOLID em C#: Princípios Essenciais com Exemplos PráticosNo mundo do desenvolvimento de software, a manutenção e a evolução de sistemas são grandes desafios enfrentados diariamente por programadores. Código mal projetado tende a se tornar um emaranhado difícil de entender, testar e modificar. Para combater...Programação Orientada a Objetos
Mohamed Ismail·Jan 22, 2024SOLID Principles: It's That Easy! 😱 STANDOUT 🌟 with SOLID Principles! 🧙♂️✨Hey there, 👋 Awesome Developers! 🚀 Today, let's dive into the basics of SOLID principles. If you're ready to level up your coding game! 👇 Let's roll! In the fast-changing world of coding, making clean and powerful code is crucial for building stro...1 like·43 readsSOLID principles