Steven David·Apr 23, 2024Conclusion: Software Portability and OptimizationThis course was an intellectual rollercoaster for me, I learned so many things and got a dopamine kick whenever I learned something, especially the assembly languages like 6502, x86 and 64ARM. I personally love 6502 as it is one of the easiest assemb...DiscussSPO600
Steven David·Apr 22, 2024Creating a Wiki and Diagnostic Pass for My Contribution to the AFMV ProjectFor Stage Three, I will be creating and editing the existing Wiki of our GCC repository so that the students can easily follow it and create Pull Requests, Issues, etc. My main reason for creating this Wiki was to help my classmates in their path to ...DiscussSPO600
Steven David·Apr 22, 2024Understanding the GCC PassesAs I was responsible for providing the diagnostic output for the Auto Function Multi Versioning for the AFMV Project. I started by studying how other passes in the GCC compiler work. For this, I created a simple Hello World program in C. #include <st...Discuss·39 readsSPO600
Steven David·Apr 15, 2024AFMV ProjectThe main aim of this Project is to upgrade the GCC compiler in such a way that the programs compiled by it can be run on machines with different capabilities like SVE or SVE2 while still benefitting from the cutting-edge technologies with zero effort...Discuss·52 readsProjectStage1
Steven David·Apr 6, 2024Introduction to 64 bit AssemblyIn this blog, I am going to talk about x86 and Aarch64 assemblers, and their basic commands and we are going to code a simple loop that prints the index. Seems like a simple task right? Guess again, as we are going to do it in assembly language for t...Discusslab3
Steven David·Mar 24, 2024Random Number Guessing Game In AssemblyLet's code a simple, random number guessing game in 6502 assembly language. The code that we are going to write is designed to work on the 6502 emulator, which can be found here. If you want to know the specifics of the emulator you can refer to the ...Discuss·42 readslab2
Steven David·Mar 17, 2024How to find the time complexity of 6502 Assembly CodeFirst of all, in order to run and assemble our 6502 assembler code, we would need a 6502 chip or an Emulator, in this blog post we will be using a 6502 Emulator which can be found here. The Emulator looks something like this: The Emulator has the fo...Discuss·8 likes·44 readsSPO600
Pratham GargforPratham Garg's SPO 600·Oct 9, 2023Software Portability and OptimizationIntroduction Do you remember the first computer you ever used? Chances are, it had an iconic 8-bit CPU called the 6502 processor humming away inside it. While it may seem like a relic of the past, the 6502 has an enduring legacy that has left an inde...Discuss6502
Pratham GargforPratham Garg's SPO 600·Sep 30, 2023Lab 2 - SPO600Introduction Welcome to the second installment of our journey into the fascinating realm of 6502 assembly language programming. In this lab, we will delve into the intricacies of this low-level language, starting with an examination of the performanc...DiscussSPO600
Pratham GargforPratham Garg's SPO 600·Sep 18, 2023Lab 1 - SPO600Introduction Contributing to open-source projects can be a fulfilling way to give back to the community and enhance your coding skills. So, we are going to discuss two open-source software projects with different licenses. React by Facebook, MIT Lic...DiscussSPO600