Prashant·Nov 5, 2024Implementing config server to externalize configuration | SpringBoot MicroservicesStep 1 → Our config server will be a microservice with dependencies - Config Server | SPRING CLOUD CONFIG Eureka Discovery Client | SPRING CLOUD DISCOVERY Step 2 → Register the microservice as Discovery Client. For this we have already added depe...externalize configuration
Karthikeyan·Oct 27, 2024Setting Up a Centralized Configuration Server on Azure Spring CloudIn my previous blog post, we introduced ourselves to Microsoft Azure deployment. If you've not read that yet then its the right time to check that before going ahead. readsspring cloud
Raghav·Oct 17, 2024Reddit Backend Project Using Microservice ArchitectureWhat are Microservices Microservices represent a software architecture approach where a complex application is built as a collection of small, independent services, each running in its process and communicating with others through well-defined APIs. ...12 likes·79 readsreddit
Can Okan Taşkı·Apr 14, 2024Notes of Spring Microservices in Action (Chapter 3)These three critical roles have an important impact on the successful foundation of microservices: The Architect: The guy who draws to the big picture. The Software Developer: The guy writes the code. The DevOps engineer: The guy makes a decision ...40 readsMicroservices
Uputoori·Mar 19, 2024Leveraging Runtime Configuration Changes in MicroservicesIntroduction: In the dynamic landscape of software development, the ability to adapt and make real-time changes to configurations is paramount. However, altering properties during runtime without disrupting the application's flow can be challenging. ...Docker
Sujeet·May 20, 2023Mastering Configuration Management: A Guide to Utilizing Spring Cloud Config for Externalizing ConfigurationDiscover the power of Spring Cloud Config in this comprehensive guide. Learn how to efficiently externalize and manage your application's configuration using Spring Cloud Config, ensuring scalability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance. Introductio...1 like·66 readsSpring BootJava
Sujeet·May 10, 2023Best Practices for Building Flexible Microservices with Spring BootAs microservices continue to gain popularity, developers are looking for ways to build them in a flexible and efficient way. Spring Boot, a popular Java-based framework, is a powerful tool that can help developers build microservices with ease. This ...65 readsSpring BootSpring
Udit·Apr 20, 2023Getting Started with Spring Cloud Config Server using JDBCStart by creating a new project with Spring Initializer. Move to and create a new Spring Project with Maven, Spring Boot 3.x.x and JDK 17.Please enter the following data: Project: Maven Language: Java Group: com.config Ar...345 readsSpring Cloud Config Server JDBC Microservices Configuration Management Centralized Configuration Spring Boot Spring Initializer REST API Database Connectivity Application Properties