João·Jan 9, 2025Protecting Applications with Kong security plugins and using StatsD to monitor system states — A healthy camera story1. Introduction One of the issues we all face in current times when developing software is the need and the will to monitor and keep applications in check. Instead of just using metrics to study and investigate our application, we can also use them f...kong micronaut
Quan·Jan 8, 2025Optimistic and Pessimistic Locking in JPA💡 Khóa (locking) là một cơ chế cho phép thực hiện công việc song song với cùng một dữ liệu trong cơ sở dữ liệu. Khi có nhiều giao dịch (transaction) cố gắng truy cập cùng một dữ liệu cùng lúc, các khóa sẽ được sử dụng để đảm bảo rằng chỉ có mộ...3 likes·28 readsSpring Frameworkjpa
Omkar·Dec 20, 2024Introduction to Spring Boot: Your Zeroth Step to MasterySpring is a popular Java based framework for developing various applications. It has become the the backbone of countless enterprise applications, offering a robust eco-system for solving complex challenges. Spring boot overcomes the difficulties ass...36 likesintroduction to spring boot
Anirban·Dec 15, 2024JDBC vs Hibernate vs JPA vs Spring Data JPA: A Beginner’s Guide to Java Data Handling ✨In the world of Java application development, dealing with databases is a crucial part of most projects. The challenge? Picking the right tool or framework for interacting with databases efficiently. If you’re confused by terms like JDBC, Hibernate, ...Java·Dec 7, 2024Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial - Part 5In Part 5 of this Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial series, we will document our REST APIs using Springdoc Open API and Swagger. What is Open API? Open API (don't mistake it with Open AI :D )is a specification that defines a standard way to document...Java
Maheshwar·Dec 5, 2024Effortlessly Create DTOs with Java Records and MapStruct in Spring Boot!In modern Spring Boot applications, Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) play a vital role in ensuring clean code, maintaining separation of concerns, and improving application security. With the advent of Java Records, creating immutable DTOs has become sim...Spring BootSpringboot·Dec 4, 2024Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial - Part 4In Part 4 of this Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial series, we will secure our API Gateway using Keycloak What is Keycloak? Keycloak is an open-source Authorization Server that can be used to outsource the authentication and authorization from our a...Springboot·Dec 4, 2024Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial - Part 3In Part 3 of this Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial series, we will implement the API Gateway pattern using the Spring Cloud Gateway MVC library. What is an API Gateway? An API Gateway also called an Edge Server, acts as an entry point for our micro...Microservices·Dec 4, 2024Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial - Part 1Introduction In this Spring Boot Microservices Tutorial series, you will learn how to develop applications with Microservices Architecture using Spring Boot and Spring Cloud and deploy them using Docker and Kubernetes. We will cover several concepts ...42 readsSpringboot
Maheshwar·Dec 4, 2024Creating SQL Queries Dynamically in Spring Boot!Working with databases is a fundamental part of developing most applications, but sometimes, static SQL queries don’t meet the dynamic requirements of real-world applications. For example, what if you need to build a search feature that filters resul...30 readsSpring BootSpring Data Jpa