Pierre-Yves Ricaublog.p-y.wtf·Feb 5, 2025Parallelism with Android SQLiteThe SQLDelight documentation provides this example: val players: Flow<List<HockeyPlayer>> = playerQueries.selectAll() .asFlow() .mapToList(Dispatchers.IO) This looks reasonable, right? In the Square Point Of Sale application, we recently ...407 readsAndroid
Geoffrey Copinblog.sylver.dev·Feb 3, 2025Build your own SQLite, Part 4: reading tables metadataAs we saw in the opening post, SQLite stores metadata about tables in a special "schema table" starting on page 1. We've been reading records from this table to list the tables in the current database, but before we can start evaluating SQL queries a...1 like·7.6K readsBuild your own SQLiteRust
Hossein MarganiforHossein Margani's Blogmargani.dev·Feb 3, 2025Using GORM with SQLiteWhen it comes to working with databases in Go, GORM is one of the most popular ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) libraries. It simplifies database interactions by allowing you to work with Go structs instead of writing raw SQL queries. SQLite, on the o...Go Language
manas Chakrabortyallaboutmysql.hashnode.dev·Feb 2, 2025🐬 Ultimate Guide to MySQL – Complete SQL Cheat Sheet & Best Practices🌱 Introduction to MySQL MySQL is an open-source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage and manipulate data. It is widely used for web applications, analytics, and enterprise solutions. 📌 W...SQL
Stephen Simoncodewithsimon.hashnode.dev·Jan 31, 2025DROP Statement in SQLThe DROP statement in SQL is used to permanently remove an entire database, table, or column from the system. Unlike DELETE, which removes specific rows, DROP completely deletes the structure and data. Syntax for DROP 1. Drop a Table DROP TABLE tabl...SQL for BeginnersSQL
Sudesh Rajendra Sawantdatawithsql.hashnode.dev·Jan 30, 2025Introduction to SQLStructured Query Language, commonly known as SQL, is a powerful tool used for managing and manipulating relational databases. Whether you're a budding data analyst, a software developer, or just someone curious about data management, understanding SQ...structured query language
Marco BambiniforSQLite Cloudsqlitecloud.hashnode.dev·Jan 28, 2025Whatever it takes“Whatever it takes” represents a historical sentence pronounced by Mario Draghi several years ago that profoundly changed Europe. I founded SQLite Cloud in 2021, almost 9 years after that iconic speech, but as an Italian, that sentence profoundly cha...1 likeSQLite
Dinko Marinacdinkomarinac.dev·Jan 27, 2025Best Local Database for Flutter Apps: A Complete GuideIntroduction When building Flutter applications with any type of offline support, choosing the right local database is crucial for performance and maintainability. As far as persistence goes, the official docs recommend 3 choices: shared_preferences...15 likes·2.8K readsFlutter
Saravana Sai saravanasai.hashnode.dev·Jan 25, 2025Inside the Black Box: Unveiling the Secrets of Database InternalsIntroduction Databases are the backbone of modern software systems, enabling efficient data storage, retrieval, and management. But have you ever wondered how they work under the hood? What happens when you execute a query? How is your data stored on...40 readsRust
Brayden WilmothforOuterbaseouterbase.com·Jan 20, 2025Extensibility With PluginsToday we are excited to announce our latest database changing feature, Plugins. When you deploy any StarbaseDB instance today you automatically gain access to core features such as REST API on top of your database, Web Sockets to execute queries, and...SQLite