Kim·Aug 6, 2024Server-sent events(SSE): 오지 않는 이벤트, 빈 문자열 처리문제: event 필드만 전송할 경우 처리되지 않음 결론: EventSource는 데이터 필드가 비었을 경우 메시지를 처리하지 않음 일단 SSE 정의부터 간단하게 알아보자. SSE는 서버 푸시 기술로, 클라이언트가 아닌 서버가 통신을 시작하는 통신 방법이다. 주로 연속적인 데이터 스트림을 브라우저 클라이언트로 보내는 데 사용된다. 클라이언트에서 EventSource 객체를 이용하여 연결을 설정하면, 서버에서 text/event-stream ...DiscussServer-sent evnets
Coder of the·Aug 5, 2024The not-so-obvious parallelism inside CPUsSince the advent of multi-cores x86 CPUs more than 20 years ago, everybody knows that they can do multiple things at once - true multi-tasking instead of the time-slicing trickery - but there are other forms of parallelism that are present, for a lon...Discuss·56 readscpu·Jul 26, 2024How to Use Server-Sent Events with FastAPIDuring my recent internship, I faced a task where the server needed to run a long-running process. This couldn't be done with just a POST request because the task could take up to 15 minutes to complete. So, we needed an alternative for this use case...Discuss·1 like·30 readsFastAPI·Jul 10, 202412. creww 알림 숫자 구현 feat.SSE알림 버튼 옆에 알림이 몇개 있는지 알려주는 기능을 구현하려고 한다. 보통 새로운 기능 구현 시 구글링이나 GPT를 통해 구현 방식을 알아보고 결정한다. 그러나 Creww의 CRUD를 개발하는 과정에서, Notification 클래스를 작성할 때는 별 생각없이 나만의 방식으로.. 알림 기능을 구현하였다. 구현 순서를 정리하자면 PostService 클래스의 createPost 메서드에서 새로운 post 객체가 생성된다. 생성된 Post 객체...DiscussCrewwnotifications
Kanishka·Apr 7, 2024Exploring Server-Sent Events: A Real-Time Notification App in ReactWhat are Serve Sent Events (SSEs)? Server Sent Events (SSEs) is an HTML5-based technology that enables servers to send data to the web client without having to rely on explicit requests from the client. How is it different from Web Sockets or Long P...Discuss·13 likes·118 readsReact
Subham·Mar 18, 2024Server Sent Events (SSE): A Comprehensive Conceptual Deep DiveWhat is Server Sent Events (SSE)? A Server Sent Event is when a web page automatically gets updates from a server. Traditionally, a web page has to send a request to the server to receive new data, then the server will send the response to the client...Discuss#WebSocketsAlternative
Yilia LinforApache·Feb 1, 2024Understanding SSE(Server-Sent Events) and Its BenefitsIntroduction SSE (Server-Sent Events) is a unidirectional communication protocol between clients and servers based on the HTTP protocol. It enables servers to push data to clients in real time using event streams without requiring explicit requests f...DiscussSSE
Syed Jafer·Nov 24, 2023Can we send requests from server to client ?Sudden thought: As a developer, i had this thought, we usually send request from client to server. Is the other way also possible. If so, how to do it. How will it get triggered ? Will it send a request to the client ? like many questions. On searchi...Discussserver client communication
Sujoy·Oct 6, 2023Server Sent Event (SSE) With ExamplesServer-Sent Events (SSE) is a web technology that enables a server to push real-time updates to a web browser over a single HTTP connection. SSE is a simple and efficient way to implement server-to-client push communication for web applications, allo...Discussbackend
明·Sep 21, 2023Server-Sent Events(SSE)Server-Sent Events(SSE)是一种用于实现服务器向客户端实时推送数据的Web技术。与传统的轮询和长轮询相比,SSE提供了更高效和实时的数据推送机制。 SSE基于HTTP协议,允许服务器将数据以事件流(Event Stream)的形式发送给客户端。客户端通过建立持久的HTTP连接,并监听事件流,可以实时接收服务器推送的数据。 SSE的主要特点包括: 简单易用:SSE使用基于文本的数据格式,如纯文本、JSON等,使得数据的发送和解析都相对简单。 单向通信:SSE支持服务器向客户...DiscussSSE