Juliet Elaigwulinux-virtual-machine-using-a-public-key.hashnode.dev·Feb 7, 2025Creating and Connecting to a Linux Virtual Machine using a Public KeyThe process of creating a Linux Virtual Machine is slightly different from creating a Windows Virtual Machine. Although the processes are similar, there are some distinctions in configuration as well as deployment that will be of note in this step by...ssh public key
jannitech-for-newbies.hashnode.dev·Feb 6, 2025SSH for Beginners: What It Is and How to Use It"Understanding SSH Keys: How They Work and Why You Should Use Them" This aligns with the content of your blog by diving deeper into SSH key authentication, making logins more secure and convenient. 🚀 What Is SSH? Imagine you have a computer at home,...10 likes·27 readsssh-keys
Milind Mishramilind.hashnode.dev·Jan 22, 2025Managing Two Git Profiles on the Same MachineWorking with two Git profiles on the same machine might sound straightforward, but it can quickly turn into a frustrating experience. I faced this challenge when trying to maintain separate mac os profiles for personal and work projects. Here’s why m...Git
Chintan Bogharachintanboghara.hashnode.dev·Jan 19, 2025Setting Up a Secure Remote Linux Server on AWS with Multiple SSH Keys1. Set Up a Remote Linux Server on AWS Create an AWS Account: Sign up at AWS. Launch an EC2 Instance: Go to the EC2 Dashboard and click "Launch Instances." Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), like Ubuntu Server or Amazon Linux. Select an insta...10 likes·285 readsDevOpsDevops
Magdalene Banjokomegbanj.hashnode.dev·Jan 16, 2025How to Set Up a Linux (Ubuntu) Virtual Machine on Azure: SSH Key vs. PasswordIn this article, I would give you detailed guide on how you can set up a Linux machine on Azure using the SSH key or using Password. Whichever method you choose to use to set up your Linux VM, as long as you follow these guidelines, you would get the...1 likeLinux
Kshitija Bartakke-Malwadekshitijaa.hashnode.dev·Jan 13, 2025Easiest way to recover lost PEM key of AWS EC2 Instance | *WITHOUT RESTART*I have an application running on an EC2 instance, unfortunately I have lost private file to connect to this instance and now can not shut down this VM as the requirement is to have “ZERO DOWNTIME” Step-by-Step Process: Modify Security Group to Allow...57 readsAWS
sriram ravisriramravi.hashnode.dev·Jan 9, 2025How to Set Up Key-Based and Password-Based SSH for a Newly Created User on an EC2 InstanceHow to Set Up Key-Based SSH for a Newly Created User on an EC2 Instance 1. Create a New EC2 Instance First, create an EC2 instance using the AWS Management Console. Once the instance is running, you can log in via SSH. 2. Login to EC2 Instance Use...Devops articles
Kushal Agrawalkushal9897.hashnode.dev·Dec 22, 2024Understanding SSH: A Simple GuideIf you use computers, have you ever wanted to be able to remotely access one computer from another and maybe control that machine no matter how distant it is? SSH or also known as Secure Shell, is the solution to that. It is like a door through which...94 readsSsh beginner
Ummer Farooqblogs.ummerfarooq.dev·Dec 19, 2024Step-by-Step Guide to Linking an SSH Key with Your GitHub Repositories1. Generate a New SSH Key Run the following command to generate a new SSH key specifically for GitHub: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "your_email@example.com" -f ~/.ssh/id_github Explanation: -t ed25519: Specifies the key type. -C "your_email@example.co...GitHub
Ishwor Kafleishwor.hashnode.dev·Dec 19, 2024Setting Up Multiple SSH Keys for GitHub on LinuxManaging multiple SSH Keys becomes crucial when: You work with multiple GitHub accounts: personal and work accounts require separate ssh keys to maintain boundary between the projects. You contribute to multiple projects hosted under different git ...34 readsGit