Sravan·Feb 12, 2025How to implement a Look-to-Dictate Text input in VisionOS AppsPrerequisites Basic knowledge of Swift programming Familiarity with SwiftUI Introduction In Apple's VisionOS apps, such as Safari, the address bar is incredibly user-friendly. You simply look at it and start speaking—no need to click a pro
Sajid Hasan·Feb 10, 2025AI Avatar with Apple Intelligence -SwiftUI Image PlaygroundApple introduces a great app, Image Playground. We can make images from scratch or from existing ones with our prompts, and we can also use this in our own apps. For example, we can elevate our apps with an AI Avatar creation feature for users with s...1 like·52 readsimage playground
Rama Adi·Jan 26, 2025Finding a Simple but Meaningful IdeaPhoto by appleinsider This article is a reflection on my experience as a finalist in the Apple Swift Student Challenge 2024. It’s a story of how a simple idea, born from a last-minute spark of inspiration, led to a meaningful project that resonated w...Swift
maryam·Jan 17, 2025Building a Video Player in SwiftUI with AVPlayerOverview I’m currently taking Meta’s Intro to iOS Development course which required me to create a video player using AVPlayer. However, the interface used was Storyboard, and I must admit it was quite confusing even though I understood the underlyin...AVPlayer
Donghan·Jan 14, 2025[TIL/SwiftUI] Constants 정리Constants 정리하기 SwiftUI에서 자주 사용되는 상수 값들을 관리할 때 사용되는 방법을 정리했다. 1. 변수로 정리 가장 단순한 방법이며, 간단한 프로젝트인 경우에는 단순하게 변수로 정리하고 활용한다. 하지만 프로젝트 규모가 커질수록 유지보수가 어려워진다. import SwiftUI let backgroundColor = Color("background") let primaryColor = Color("primaryGreen")...TILSwiftUI
Felix·Jan 3, 2025Logging on IOSLogging is a critical aspect of app development on iOS. It helps developers monitor app behaviour, debug issues, and gather essential information for analytics and diagnostics.In this blog, we will explore logging on iOS, from basic principles to adv...logging
Ahmed·Dec 27, 2024Patterns: Command + SiriYes, it’s me again. I know you’re shocked, so am I. This post totally breaks my record of ‘one-and-done’ blog posts. 🤷♂️ I’m seriously surprised I’ve followed through. But hey, whenever the magical words Software Design, Optimization, Time-saving, ...114 readsPatternsSwift
Donghan·Dec 27, 2024[TIL/SwiftUI] padding modifier 정리padding modifier 사용하기 예시 Text("Some Text") .padding(10) Text("Some Text") .padding(.leading, 20) padding(_:) Adds a different padding amount to each edge of this view. nonisolated func padding(_ insets: EdgeInsets) -> some View nonisolate...TILSwiftUI
Daniel Kaš·Dec 21, 2024SwiftUI ScrollView Centered Items with ScrollTargetBehaviorLet’s make a ScrollView show a bunch of views horizontally, and center each one as the user scrolls, while also showing edges of adjacent ones. In a hurry to get the entire code? It’s at the bottom of the article. Any time a ScrollView scrolls, it c...1 like·120 readsSwiftUI·Dec 5, 2024Callbacks Vs Completion Handlers in Swift: What’s the Difference? 🚀As I dive deeper into Swift and modern concurrency, I realized how crucial understanding callbacks and completion handlers is for writing robust and clean code. While both seem similar, here’s a quick differentiation: What are Callbacks? Callbacks a...38 readsSwiftUIiOS