Akash (SKY)blog.codewithsky.in·Mar 12, 2024Python Flask app Deployment on EC2 with CodePipelineIntroduction Efficiency and reliability are paramount when deploying web applications. AWS CodePipeline, when coupled with Amazon EC2, offers a robust solution for automating deployment workflows. Prerequisites Ensure you have the following: An AWS ...310 readsCodePipeline
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 27, 2024Tesseract Parameters: CategoriesThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. Tesseract OCR, an open-source optical character recognition engine, offers a variety of parameters that can be configured to optimize its performance for different text recognition tasks. In order t...27 readsTesseract Parameterstesseract
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 27, 2024Tesseract OCR in PHPThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. Before using Tesseract in PHP, you need to install it on your system. Tesseract is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. There are a few ways to use Tesseract in PHP. Direct System Calls You can...70 readsOCRtesseract
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 26, 2024Tesseract OCR in JavaThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. Before using Tesseract in Java, you need to install it on your system. Tesseract is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. To use Tesseract in Java, you need a Java wrapper. Tess4J is a popular c...83 readsOCRtesseract
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 24, 2024Guide to Python OCR Image to Text ConversionThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. Installing Tesseract-OCR For python OCR image to text conversion, the first step is to install Tesseract-OCR. Follow the guides to install it on Mac, Linux or Windows. Setting Up Pytesseract Pytesse...OCRtesseract
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 23, 2024Tesseract Page Segmentation Modes ExplainedThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. Tesseract, one of the most popular OCR engines, offers a range of Page Segmentation Modes (PSMs) to handle different types of text layouts. Choosing the correct mode can significantly improve the ac...349 readsOCRtesseract
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 19, 2024Improving OCR Accuracy: Tips and Tricks for Preprocessing Images for TesseractThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, particularly Tesseract OCR, has revolutionized the way we extract text from images. However, the accuracy of OCR largely depends on the quality of the...89 readsOCRtesseract
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 18, 2024How to Install Tesseract on WindowsThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. Installing Tesseract on Windows involves a few steps, but it's quite straightforward. 1. Download Tesseract Executable: First, you need to download the Tesseract executable file for Windows. You can...154 readsOCRtesseract
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 18, 2024How to Install Tesseract on Mac OSThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. Installing Tesseract on a Mac is straightforward, especially if you're comfortable using the Terminal. Option 1: Using Homebrew (Recommended) If you don't have Homebrew installed on your Mac, it's a...136 readsOCRmacOS
commabotgrippy.hashnode.dev·Jan 17, 2024How to install Tesseract on LinuxThis article is maintained by the team at commabot. This guide will take you through the steps of installing Tesseract under Linux. Step 1: Update Your Package List Before you begin the installation, it's a good practice to update your package list. ...OCRtesseract