André Felipe Costa·Jul 29, 2024Deep understanding of the @Transactional Annotation in Spring FrameworkIntroduction The @Transactional annotation in the Spring Framework is a powerful feature that simplifies transaction management in Java applications. Transactions are a critical aspect of enterprise applications, ensuring data integrity and consisten...28 readsJava·Jul 25, 2024Transaction Log 출력하기Transaction Logging AOP 포인트 컷(Pointcut) 조인 포인트 중에서 어드바이스가 적용될 위치를 선별하는 기능 어떤 메소드에 어드바이스를 적용할지를 결정 스프링 AOP는 프록시 방식을 사용하므로 메소드 실행 지점만 포인트 컷으로 선별 가능 ➔ 메소드 호출 시점에만 어드바이스가 적용될 수 있음 포인트컷 표현식(AspectJ pointcut expression) import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf...1 likeaop
Stefan·Feb 23, 2024Debugging AWS SES templatesAWS SES is extremely powerful but it's likely surpassed only by AWS Cognito in terms of opacity and debugging difficulty. It usually works, but when it doesn't, it's a time-sink. I've been working on migrating a client's on-premise shopping cart solu...237 readsAWS
Ige·Oct 1, 2023Understanding Transaction Isolation LevelIn this article, we go through a quick and high-level overview of transaction isolation level by looking at an example of data integrity phenomena, the need for locks, and how transaction level helps optimize read operations and their trade-offs. Dat...transactional
Anil·Sep 7, 2023Best Practices for Using @Transactional in Spring BootUnderstanding Transaction Management in Spring Boot Transaction management in Spring Boot is crucial for ensuring data integrity and consistency in your applications. The Transaction Manager plays a pivotal role in managing transactions. Here’s what ...44 likes·420 readsJava
Wynn·Sep 14, 2021Spring @Transactional Rollback Handling with Code ExplanationBydefault, Spring Boot transactions are auto-committed. This means that every single SQL statement is treated as its transaction and will commit after execution. Here’s an example that illustrates this behaviour: public void createProduct() { P...429 readsJava