G Herbowiczainode.hashnode.dev·Jan 30, 2025East vs. West: DeepSeek Analysis<think> Alright, so I need to compare Western and Eastern values. First, I should figure out what defines Western and Eastern values. From my understanding, Western values are typically associated with the cultures of countries like the United States...Deepseek
Stephen J. Luledger.stephenjlu.com·Nov 25, 2024What Public Service Means to MeFor my entire professional career, I have worked only for the United States government (federal, state, and local), educational institutions, and government contractors. Given this perspective, while financial independence and success were important ...Career
Oluwatosin Oghenewaire Thompsongoninja.hashnode.dev·Oct 27, 2024Variables, Constants, and Values Guide in GolangWhen starting with Go, it is important to learn the fundamentals. Variables, constants, and values form the building blocks for all Go programs, allowing you to store and manipulate data as you build applications. Mastering these concepts is essentia...Beginner's Guide to Golang: Start Coding with Confidencevariables
FMZ Quantfmzquant.hashnode.dev·Jun 20, 2024JavaScript language quick startBackground This section gives a little background on JavaScript to help you understand why it is the way it is. JavaScript Versus ECMAScript ECMAScript is the official name for JavaScript. A new name became necessary because there is a trademark on J...JavaScript
Kartik Jhakartikjha.hashnode.dev·Mar 26, 2024What can I do to leverage my learning iteration going forward?I found its answer to be healing and purpose. I am seeing the pace that can ruin my stature if I am not evolving myself over it Whether I make distances from worries or make continuous opts good, I have to face it any way. As I notice that my frank c...1 likefearlessly
Aleksandr Obukhovblog.dclg.net·Feb 13, 2024Importance of company culture, values and principles and example of LingualeoWith this post, I would like to start a series of posts analyzing the way different companies define and declare their culture. They say, "Culture eats strategy for breakfast." A well-established culture truly is a powerful tool that helps to keep th...Company culture, values and principlesCulture
Desiah Barnettdesiahbarnett.hashnode.dev·Jan 13, 2024Understanding Variables.A function is a structured data type that is a container that stores values. Think of that dream apartment you want. You will need furniture inside your new beautiful home, so you have a choice to ditch the old stuff or pack the stuff you want. Eithe...78 readsCode Kickstart: A Beginner’s JourneySoftware Engineering
Leto Analyticsblog.leto.gg·Sep 22, 2023Analytics built for IPFSPrivacy-preserving analytics In the rapidly evolving world of the web, it's crucial to learn from the missteps of the past. With IPFS and Filecoin, we have a chance to rebuild the web to benefit humanity. As we push the development of analytics for t...68 readsWeb3
Luis Patinoluispatino.hashnode.dev·Jul 28, 2023Fingers to the keyboard!Really putting my fingers to the keyboard tonight! After a 12 hour shift I thought I wouldn't be able to learn anything! Guess who was wrong again! ME! Maybe skimming wasn't the best practice but I was wrong to say it didn't benefit. First lesson dow...variables
Kyle Sheltonchaoskyle.com·Feb 12, 2023Mission, Vision, ValuesIntroduction If you are new to starting a business or becoming a manager, there are three things that must be in place in order to properly Lead: Mission, Vision, and Values. These are critical to clearly providing a foundation of who you are, what y...34 readsleadership