Alberto·Oct 17, 2024How to Create a Content-Sized WebView in .NET MAUI Mobile: A Step-by-Step GuideWhy having a content-sized WebView? Sometimes, an app needs to display content created on the web, perhaps through a WYSIWYG editor, and typically, we present it within a well-defined area of the screen. There are other situations where your WebView ...217 readsdotnet
Ogunuyo Ogheneruemu·Sep 21, 2024How to Initialize Paystack Payment in React Native Using react-native-paystack-webviewIntroduction Integrating seamless payment solutions into a mobile app is crucial for many applications. In this blog post, we will walk through how to integrate Paystack payment in a React Native app using the react-native-paystack-webview package. P...paystack
Sahil·Jul 12, 2024WebView in React NativeIn the world of mobile app development, React Native stands out as a robust framework for building cross-platform applications. One of the key components available in React Native for integrating web content into mobile apps is WebView. So let's see ...4 likes·64 readsReact Native
Romman·Jun 23, 2024Android : Managing WebView Callbacks with BuildConfig Securely.In Android development, buildConfigField is a powerful tool for defining constants at build time. It allows developers to embed configuration values directly into the generated BuildConfig class, making them accessible throughout the application code...1 like·361 readsAndroid Application Developmentbuildconfig
Blessing·Mar 6, 2024Using Flutter to Build a WebView ApplicationConnecting web content directly into your native app provides a smooth user experience and closes the gap between web and mobile platforms in the rapidly changing field of mobile development. This blog article explores building a Flutter application ...10 likesFlutter
개똥이·Jan 4, 2024[웹뷰 깨부숴보기] 웹뷰를 앱처럼 사용하자!웹뷰 라이브러리로 선정된 flutter_inappwebview. 과연 이 친구는 웹을 앱스럽게 만들어줄 수 있을까? 웹을 앱으로 만드는 과정을 하나씩, 차근히 밟아가 보자! 웹뷰를 앱처럼 만들자! 아 깨알팁(인가?)인데 안드로이드는 localhost 로 접근하기 위해서 URL에 localhost:portNumber 를 작성하면 에러가 발생하게 된다. localhost를 대신하여 를 작성해주자. 웹뷰에게, 아니 정확히는 웹에게...webview
개똥이·Jan 3, 2024웹뷰(WebView) 한번 써보자. (with. Flutter)웹뷰란 무엇인가… 웹뷰가 무엇인지는 굉장히 많은 글들에서 다루고 있으므로 짧게 정의를 내려본다면, 네이티브(혹은 크로스플랫폼) 앱 위에서 동작하는 하나의 웹브라우저 라고 생각할 수 있다. 그렇기 때문에 swift, kotlin, flutter, RN 등 앱을 위한 언어 혹은 프레임워크에서 웹뷰를 제공하는데, 장점으로는 웹으로 개발된 페이지를 빠르게 앱으로 빌드할 수 있다는 장점이 있고, 단점으로는 단말기 OS 버전에 따른 호환성 이슈나 각 OS...webview·Dec 16, 2023React / Next.js 웹뷰에서 네이티브 앱으로 메세지 보내기/토큰받기메세지 보내기 global.d.ts에서 Window 의 타입에 webkit과 메세지핸들러를 미리 정의해줘야 오류가 나지 않는다. 웹킷은 네이티브 앱에서 웹뷰로 페이지를 호출할 때 생기는 것이라 기본 window에는 존재하지 않는다. // global.d.ts export {} declare global { interface Window { webkit: { messageHandlers: { MESSAGE_H...106 readsNext.js
Etugbo·Sep 25, 2023Integrating WebView in Compose Android: A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction to Webview in Android Compose Jetpack Compose is very powerful and versatile making it possible to integrate webview in your mobile application. WebView allows you to embed and interact with web resources in your mobile application witho...1.5K readswebview
Alex·Sep 8, 2023The Power of Webviews: Leveraging Web Content in Your AppsIn this article, I’ll provide a general overview of webviews in mobile applications. We’ll start by defining what webviews are and exploring the different types available. Then, we'll delve into the advantages and challenges of using webviews, as wel...36 readswebview