Saurabh Singh·Jan 4, 2025Building OpenSSL on Windows is not THAT hardAlright alright, before you all start bashing me left and right for the title, let me clarify something: building OpenSSL from source code on Windows may not be straightforward for first-timers, but once you get the hang of it, it's actually quite si...pod::usage
Birendra Kumar·Jan 1, 2025How to enable WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) in windows 11 home version 24H2(Quick and Easy Way).🚀WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is a compatibility layer that allows you to run Linux directly on Windows without the need for a virtual machine or dual boot. It seamlessly integrates Linux tools, commands, and distributions into your Windows envir...71 readsUbuntu
Aysham·Dec 20, 2024Windows 11 Manual Upgrade: Easy PowerShell InstructionsIf you need more control over installing Windows 11 updates, PowerShell can help. Follow these quick steps to manually check and install updates. Steps to Update Windows 11 via PowerShell Step 1: Open PowerShell as Admin Right-click the Start button...Powershell
Cyrille N'·Dec 2, 2024Installer SQL Server sur Windows 11 : Résoudre le problème de taille de secteur de disqueSi vous essayez d'installer Microsoft SQL Server 2022 sur un système Windows 11 et que vous rencontrez l'erreur suivante : Programme d'installation de Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Erreur :Échec de l’attente du handle de récupération du moteur de base d...29 readsSQL Server·Nov 28, 2024Check Windows 11 System Requirements: Is Your PC Ready for the Upgrade?Check Windows 11 System Requirements Windows 11 has brought a modern design, advanced features, and enhanced security to the forefront, making it one of Microsoft’s most impressive operating systems. However, before you upgrade, it’s vital to check w...Check Windows 11 System Requirements
Sohaib·Nov 20, 2024How to Install Ubuntu Linux on Windows 11 with WSL 2Have you ever wondered how WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) lets developers use a Linux-like environment right on Windows? It's quite intriguing! It provides a simple way to set up Laravel, PHP, Python, Node.js, Vue.js, React.js, and many more for...73 readswsl2·Nov 19, 2024Record video on Windows 11id.241119168.123456 To record video on Windows 11, follow these steps: Use the Xbox Game Bar (Built-in Tool): Press Win + G to open the Xbox Game Bar. Click on the Capture widget (camera icon). Click the Record button (circle) to start 11·Nov 19, 2024Backup and Restore To back up Windows, you can use the built-in Backup and Restore feature or create a system image. Here's how: Method 1: Backup Files Using Backup and Restore Access Backup Settings: Right-click on the Start menu. Select Run an...Windows·Nov 10, 2024修复升级 Win11 后遇到的一些问题背景 自从升级到 Win11 之后,系统 Bug 就没停过,我现在遇到的问题有: 浏览器(Chromium)失焦后再重新获取焦点时,页面有概率出现音频正常播放,滚动也正常,但是画面卡住的情况,只能鼠标重新点击页面恢复 一些 UWP 应用无法启动,如 Arc,Reddit 有人说是一些应用只能装到 C 盘,而我恰好修改过 UWP 的安装路径,但现在切换回 C 盘也恢复不了了 在启动一些 Electron 应用的时候,电脑风扇会飞转,比玩 3A 大作都响,十几秒之后恢复 微软输入法有时打字会...问题修复
Uzomah·Oct 31, 2024A Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Windows 11 Virtual Machine in Azure PortalWant to try out Windows 11 without affecting your computer? A Windows 11 virtual machine acts as a digital sandbox, allowing you to safely explore the latest features. It's a separate, virtual copy of Windows 11 that runs on your existing computer, e...How to create a Windows 11 virtual machine in Azure