Abdulkader Alrezejipv6spot.hashnode.dev·Oct 24, 2024Captive Portal IPv6 SupportProject link on GitHub: https://github.com/abdulkader-alrezej/ipv6spot IPv6Spot a pioneering captive portal system designed exclusively for IPv6 networks. Developed by Abdulkader Alrezej, IPv6Spot addresses the critical need for effective network acc...networking
Muhammad Ahmed Mohsinahmedmohsin.hashnode.dev·May 6, 2024NOMA: Revolutionizing Connections in the 6G EraAs the world eagerly anticipates the arrival of 6G networks, researchers are tirelessly exploring innovative technologies to push the boundaries of speed, capacity, and efficiency. One such breakthrough that's creating a buzz is NOMA (Non-Orthogonal ...NOMA
Muhammad Ahmed Mohsinahmedmohsin.hashnode.dev·May 5, 2024The Rise of Reconfigurable Intelligent SurfacesIntroduction: In 6G communications, Reliable Low-Latency Communication (URLLC) is crucial, but it faces challenges like signal blockage and fading due to obstructions and environmental factors. This leads to signal degradation, affecting reliability....28 readsb5g
Ryan Michaelryanmichael.hashnode.dev·Apr 8, 2024Catastrophe Averted!I found out what was causing the problem mentioned in my last post and it wasn't the extension. Just a quick, brief recap: I had to do some code conversion from Visual Basic to C#. The reason is irrelevant to the story. There was lots to do, so I ins...Solved
Anish Sunejaanishsuneja.hashnode.dev·Dec 13, 2023Decoding Deauth: How to kick your friend out of your WiFi ?Introduction: In the domain of ethical hacking and cybersecurity, network monitoring and sniffing play a crucial role in understanding and securing wireless networks. Aircrack-ng, a powerful suite of tools, provides surplus functionalities to manage,...24 likes·270 readsEthical Hacking
Aditya Thakekarblog.adityathakekar.co.in·Nov 26, 2023Understanding AUTOSAR: Revolutionizing Automotive System ArchitectureAUTOSAR (Automotive Open System ARchitecture) is an open and standardized software architecture framework for automotive ECUs (Electronic Control Units). It provides a common platform for the development of vehicular software, ensuring interoperabili...38 readsembedded
Stephen Okestephen08.hashnode.dev·Nov 6, 2023The Role of MIMO (Multiple‐Input, Multiple‐Output) Technology in Enhancing 5G Network PerformanceWhat is MIMO? MIMO is a wireless technology that uses multiple antennas at the source (the transmitter) and the destination (the receiver). The antennas at each end of the communications circuit are combined to reduce errors, improve data speed, and ...1 like·44 reads5G
Ali Almasinote.al1almasi.ir·Oct 29, 2023RTL8821CE Wireless card fix on Ubuntu (and other Debian/Ubuntu based distros)لینک نسخه فارسی این نوشته For some reason, the rtl8821ce WiFi hardware works poorly or not at all on most Linux distros. The driver used in the Linux kernel for this hardware is outdated or for other reasons that I don't know about, it doesn't work p...41 readsUbuntu
Nomad Internetnomadinternet.hashnode.dev·Oct 10, 2023Navigating the Remote Work Landscape with Nomad Internet: Your Essential GuideIn the fast-paced world of remote work, staying connected and productive is paramount. With the rise of this digital era, many professionals are embracing the nomadic lifestyle, but to do so successfully, a reliable internet connection is essential. ...wireless network
Unathi Okhuedailyprogrammer.hashnode.dev·Jul 3, 20235G Technology: Changing the Future 📡💻🌟📡💻🚀🌐 The world is rapidly adopting the latest technological advancements and 5G technology is one of them. With ultra-fast network speed, it has become a game-changer for almost all industries where the internet is a must-have resource. In this b...1 like5g technology