AkiraforEndur.fi's Blogblog.endur.fi·Nov 18, 2024Why Stake with Endur.Fi?The past few weeks in the Starknet ecosystem has been gearing with excitement as Starknet announces plans to launch STRK staking. Staking offers users the opportunity to earn rewards while contributing to the security and decentralisation of the netw...58 readsstarknet
AkiraforEndur.fi's Blogblog.endur.fi·Nov 7, 2024Launching Endur: an LST on StarknetStarknet staking is launching on mainnet soon! Soon, you'll be able to stake STRK and contribute to Starknet's journey toward full decentralization. We’re thrilled to announce an exciting new development in the Starknet ecosystem: STRKFarm, in collab...223 readsyield
Evia Teamblog.evia.network·Oct 11, 2024Evia Engine 2.0: Better Yields and Expanded OpportunitiesDear Evia Community, We are thrilled to announce the launch of Evia Engine 2.0, our completely redesigned and rebuilt grant execution engine that powers yield optimization for Evia Vaults. This monumental upgrade brings enhanced reliability, efficien...1 like·80 readsEvia
Ser OKVCcinc.hashnode.dev·Oct 3, 2024How Much Yield Can You Earn with EIGEN?If you're still holding on to your EIGEN tokens and wondering what more you can do with it, this piece is for you. EigenLayer is a protocol built on Ethereum that allows Ethereum validators to use their staked ETH to secure other protocols through th...eigenlayer
Adityaa krdevsadi.hashnode.dev·Aug 2, 2024Ever Thought About How Yield is Generated? Here's the Inside Scoop on DeFi ProtocolsIntroduction Yield generation in decentralized finance (DeFi) has rapidly gained traction as investors seek lucrative returns on their crypto holdings. But how exactly do these protocols generate yield, and what mechanisms are in place to provide suc...defi
Hankyu Kimhankyukim.hashnode.dev·Jun 4, 2024return VS yieldMost of programming language, functions normally hands over the value using return keyword. But using yield keyword can bring the value very different way. The first noticeable difference is that when using the return keyword, the result value is pro...return
David Carrdcblog.dev·Jan 18, 2024Creating Flexible Layouts in Laravel with Yields, Includes, and SlotsYields In Laravel, the @yield directive is used in blade templates to define a section that can have code injected or "yielded" by child views. Here's a basic explanation of how @yield works: Defining a section with @yield('name') In a blade file typ...1 like·2.3K readsLaravel
Namya Shahbigsmoke.hashnode.dev·Dec 31, 2023Python Interview Questions Part 2Python Modules and Packages What is a module in Python? Describe the differences between import and from...import statements in Python. How do you install and use third-party libraries in Python? Explain the purpose of a virtual environment in Py...import and from
Mehr un Nisamehrunnisablogs.hashnode.dev·Aug 16, 2023Difference between Yield and Content-for methods in LayoutsConcept of Yield in Layouts: Yield identifies a section where content from the view should be inserted. It provides a block of area into which the entire contents of the view currently being rendered are inserted. Use of Yield in Layouts: For example...yield
Renr3n.hashnode.dev·Jul 8, 2023Tech Chronicles: Conquer Memory Monsters with Python's Yield in Large Directory ProcessingIn today's data-driven world, handling large directory structures containing numerous files and subdirectories is a common challenge. Whether you're working with massive datasets, organizing files, or performing resource-intensive operations, optimiz...177 readsPython