Dan Ongudidanny254.hashnode.dev·Jul 17, 2024Creating a Floating Form (Modal) in Yii2To create a floating form (modal) in Yii2, follow these detailed steps. This example will show how to create a modal for adding a new company on the company index page. Step 1: Change the Anchor Tag to a Button In the view file of your company index ...Yii2
Dan Ongudidanny254.hashnode.dev·Jul 17, 2024Creating a Drop-Down List in Yii2To create a drop-down list populated with data from the database, you can use the ArrayHelper class. Here’s a detailed guide on how to create a drop-down list of companies in a form: Step 1: Prepare the Form In your form view file, add the following ...Yii2
Dan Ongudidanny254.hashnode.dev·Jul 17, 2024CRUD Generation Using the Gii Tool in Yii2Gii is a powerful tool in Yii2 that helps you quickly generate models, CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, and other code. Here’s a detailed guide to using Gii for CRUD generation: Step 1: Access the Gii Tool To open the Gii tool, navigat...Yii2
Dan Ongudidanny254.hashnode.dev·Jul 17, 2024Implementing Access Control in Yii2To restrict access to certain actions, such as create, update, and delete, you need to modify the controller's behaviors function. Here's a step-by-step guide using the CompaniesController.php as an example: Step 1: Modify the behaviors Function In y...Yii2
Dan Ongudidanny254.hashnode.dev·Jul 17, 2024Adding Registration Form Fields in Yii2Step 1: Update the Database Add the new columns first_name and last_name to the users table in your database. Step 2: Update the Signup Form Model In frontend/models/SignupForm.php, add the new fields to the rules section to make them required: publi...Registration Form
Dan Ongudidanny254.hashnode.dev·Jul 17, 2024Automate Date generation in yii2To automate the generation of the creation date in your model, follow these steps: Go to the controller that contains the create function. Add the following line of code to set the company_created_date attribute with the current date and time: $m...Yii2
Dan Ongudidanny254.hashnode.dev·Jul 17, 2024Installing Yii2 frameworkINSTALLING YII2 ADVANCED APPLICATION Step 1: Install Composer Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, crucial for installing Yii2. Use the following commands to install Composer: curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php sudo mv composer.pha...Yii2
Solomon M. Kamangablog.solomonkamanga.com·Apr 16, 2024Integrating Chart.js in Yii2: A Step-by-Step Guide with Practical ExamplesThis article is crafted for Yii2 developers aiming to integrate Chart.js for dynamic and interactive data visualization. We take a deep dive into the process, covering data retrieval from MySQL, data processing, and chart implementation. This guide i...70 readsPHP
Lucy Karimiciahkarimi.hashnode.dev·Feb 23, 2023php-yii2-database-migration(Comprehensive guide)PHP Yii2 is a popular open-source web application framework that allows developers to build high-performance web applications with ease. One of the most important features of Yii2 is its built-in support for database migration, which simplifies the p...140 readsYii2
Beau CarnesforfreeCodeCampfreecodecamp.org·Apr 29, 2020Learn how to use the Yii2 PHP framework to create a YouTube cloneYii is a fast, secure, and efficient PHP framework used to create all kinds of web apps. We've released a full video course on how to use the Yii2 framework. In this course, you will learn how to create a YouTube clone from Zura Sekhniashvili. This i...Yii2