Muhammad·Jan 19, 2025I Tried Systems programming languagesfirst of all i am low level systems engineer came from web development background and i tried golang, rust,c,c++ and zig Golang Go is a high level half staticlly typed and half dynmically typed compiled languge programming lnguage. And remember, in t...Rust
Meow·Nov 15, 2024Zig C Integration NoteC function take a function as parameter Take stb image library as example: int stbi_write_png_to_func(stbi_write_func *func, void *context, int w, int h, int comp, const void *data, int stride_in_bytes); int stbi_write_bmp_to_func(stbi_wri...Zig Noteszig
Meow·Nov 14, 2024Zig Build System Notes(Tested in Zig 0.13.0) Don’t use addCSourceFile to add a same C libraries that your dependent Zig libraries uses, it will produce an error like ld.lld: duplicate symbol: stbi_failure_reason. Only include the C header path using addIncludePath. For c...3 likesZig Noteszig
Dayvi·Oct 6, 2024Read Directory Contents With ZigEfficiently Reading Directory Contents in Zig with a Page Allocator Hey there welcome back to my Zig series, the language that I've been using a lot lately for my hobby projects. It's a language that keeps evolving and I'm excited to share more about...zig
Adewole Caleb·Oct 3, 2024A Detailed Examination of Zig's Memory PoolIn a bid to understand how the memory pool works, I dug into the Zig memory pool source code. I plan to read the code for the allocator in the heap folder of the std library. Let’s look at what it does and how it does—starting from the first error me...10 likes·89 readslearning-zig
Tristan·Sep 23, 2024Gemini, which project should I start ?I like to think of AI models as what you get when you moosh all content creator in a single entity (including the bad ones). But I watch enough House MD to know that even bad idea can detonate good ones. Instead of a little army of resident, I have G...zigzap
Adewole Caleb·Sep 16, 2024Exploring Zig: My Experience and InsightsIt has been a while since I have written anything, I still have some pending articles to complete in golang but for the fun of it, let me tell you what I have been up to lately. I piqued an interest in Zig about two months ago since I have been inter...56 readszig
Tristan·Sep 6, 2024ASCII Game of Life in Zig !After 7 years of code, 2 of which professionally, one might think I would have already done it, but no... I was today years old when I made my first game of life project! I wanted to explore Zig and become better at it, so I decided to play a bit of life·Aug 26, 2024zig: CommentsZig has only single-line comments, but with three variants: Normal comments: // This is a comment! std.debug.print("hello world!",.{}); // This is also a comment! doc-comments: /// This function prints 'hello!' top-level doc comments: //! T...zigziglang·Aug 11, 2024zig: First ProgramOverview: A simple program that prints a message to the terminal. Note: I am showing you how to run a simple program, not a whole zig project setup(that will be covered later). Steps: Create a folder 'hello' at a location of your choice. Mine is l...zigziglang