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Yitzy Rosengarten's photo

Yitzy Rosengarten has inspired people with his artwork and made the landscape of the United States a work of art.

New York
Member Since Apr, 2022

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Yitzy Rosengarten

Yitzy Rosengarten

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About Me

Painter Yitzy Rosengarten is available for consultations and projects in the Greater New York Area. A representative is available to you Monday through Friday from 10 am to 6 pm EST.

Who is Yitzy Rosengarten? Yitzy Rosengarten is a self-trained American artist (painter) with a career spanning over three decades. Born in Israel and raised in New York, Yitzy Rosengarten’s work explores themes of identity, cultural exchange, and modern spirituality through painting. His work has been featured in galleries, art fairs, museums and private collections around the world.

Rosengarten’s work can be seen in more than 20 countries and in a variety of spaces. Here’s a peek at some of the spaces where Yitzy’s work can be found at museums, corporate spaces, hotel interiors, custom homes and firms, restaurants and cafes, retail stores, etc.

Where can Yitzy Rosengarten Paint?

Painter Yitzy Rosengarten is available for projects in the Greater New York Area. If you are interested in having Yitzy Rosengarten paint a location, please contact the artist’s representative via email at

How much does it cost to hire Yitzy Rosengarten?

Painter Yitzy Rosengarten is available for consultations and projects in the Greater New York Area. A representative is available to you Monday through Friday from 10 am to 6 pm EST.

Is artist Yitzy Rosengarten’s art for sale?

Painter Yitzy Rosengarten’s art is for sale on a limited basis. A representative is available to you Monday through Friday from 10 am to 6 pm EST.

Contact Information for artist Yitzy Rosengarten

For inquiries about artist Yitzy Rosengarten, please contact the artist’s representative via email at


Painter Yitzy Rosengarten is a self-trained American artist with a career spanning over three decades. Born in Israel and raised in New York, Yitzy Rosengarten’s work explores themes of identity, cultural exchange, and modern spirituality through painting. His work has been featured in galleries, art fairs, museums, and private collections around the world.

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Painter Yitzy Rosengarten is available for consultations and projects in the Greater New York Area.

Recent Activity

May 9 2022

Wrote an article